vBulletin Facebook App 1.0.2 has been released.

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by News Bot, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    vBulletin Facebook App 1.0.2 is NOW AVAILABLE. The feedback thread for this release is HERE for our licensed customers.

    The HERE.

    vBulletin Facebook App 1.0.2 contains a notable new feature, and number of improvement requests:

    vBulletin Facebook App 1.0.2 also contains 35 bug fixes, including:

    • VBF-444 - Unregistered/Not logged in users generate fatal errors.
    • VBF-451 - Error messages when viewing a thread in IE8.
    • VBF-445 - SQL error when logged into forum web interface.
    • VBF-475 - Error message when viewing Blogs in vBulletin Facebook App for a vBulletin 3.x forum.
    • VBF-405 - Clicking a thread title leads to the beginning of the thread instead of to the first unread post
    • VBF-492 - Experiencing a loading problem in IE8.
    • VBF-486 - Attachments in threads only visable when you are logged out of 3.x.
    • VBF-483 - Problems with Polls in 3.x.
    • VBF-480 - Foreign character search "Return no results" in 3.x.
    • VBF-478 - Attachments in replies do not appear in 3.x.
    • VBF-455 - HTML thread prefixes overlap thread title and remove all formatting from thread title.
    • VBF-409 - Facebook App does not load in Opera.
    • VBF-449 - Links to site within a post are broken.

    vBulletin Facebook App 1.0.2 contains a total of 47 bug fixes, improvement requests, and a new feature. A full list of these changes can be found HERE.

    To upgrade your site to vBulletin Facebook App 1.0.2, re-publish the app from your vBulletin Members Area. vBulletin 3.x customers will need to upgrade to vBulletin Blogs 2.0.4 and vBulletin 3.x MAPI Plugin 1.4.1 first.

    Click HERE if you'd like to purchase the vBulletin Facebook App.

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    BATEYY Regular Member

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
    Very nice plugin bro, I may buy this for my vB forum soon.
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
    First Name:
    This is great news from the vB team, I've been reading several threads of uphappy app users on vb.com

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