vBulletin.com bannings your thoughts on specific scenario

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by p4guru, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. p4guru

    p4guru Addict

    Oct 22, 2009
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    I was reading through some of the threads here and then talked about vB customer being banned for abusing other customers/members on vBulletin.com. Then a thought came to me and this question is partially directed to those that have been banned as well as admininistrators of forums.

    If another vB customer on vbulletin.com first posted their complaints on the new policy changes, but then proceeded to abuse some of the other vB customers, should that vB customer be banned ????

    I know we've touched on the rights of paying customers and that permanent bans shouldn't be implemented (i agree with that at most temp ban or warnings). But what if the same vB customer after temp ban comes back complaining about the policy changes and along the way continues to abuse and insult other paying vB customers ??

    For vB customers, who's right's have priority ? The one complaining and abusing other customers or the customer who is being abused / insulted ?

    Now reverse the situation, if vB customers pro-change started abusing/insulting vB customers that are complaining, should those customers be banned for voicing a pro-change opinion ?

    Now take it out of the context of vB situation to just a general commercial environment, if you were an admin of such a forum what would you do to tackle this problem ? Do you let your paying customer to continue to voice their complaints + abuse/insults against other paying customers ???

    If it wasn't as bad as abusing other customers, but the manner in which the complaint is conveyed is upsetting other paying customers, what would you do if you were the admin of such a forum ?

    Personally, I'd be in a dilemma in such a situation :o
  2. ptwiggens

    ptwiggens Novice

    Oct 26, 2009
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    If you are given a temporary ban and come back and still continue to behave in that way, I would say a permanent ban is fine. Permanent bans should be a last resort.
  3. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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  4. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    If they are abusing other vB customers then yes. Most people don't have an inkling of an idea on how to properly complain or troll without making it personal. Complaining is one thing and making it personal is something completely different.

    The vB Support forums are not a right, they are not defined in the US constitution or any other state constitution. Think of them like your driver licenses, after so many speeding tickets and DUI's do you expect to keep them. Offical Support is available via the ticket system, and if you get banned from the forums and need support once it becomes a paid option, then you'll have to lay in the bed you've made.

    Yes again they should be. The problem is they most likely won't be as its a psyhcological effect of "Hey this guy agree's with us, lets put him on a longer leash"

    Thats what the licensed feedback forum is for. To keep everything out of the way of the public and pre-sales as not to effect the $$$ machine. I can tolerate all the complaints in the world, and welcome them. Complaints are a good thing it means people actually still care and want to see a better product.

    When it gets to the personal name calling crap that most threads detoriate to, is when the lines have to be drawn.
  5. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    That is what i thought too, and instead, staff, not other customers, came after and attacked customers with heavy handed tactics. Not one time did i take my concerns out of the licensed feedback area. I did not want to run potential customers away, since i do believe it is a quality product.

    I too wish that steve and wayne would have looked at things the way you do, complaints are good and do show that we still care.
  6. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    There really is no need for all of your text to be bold.
    As far as Steve and Wayne, I can't say as I've had any problems with either of them. Yes, Steve has actually given me infractions (that I honestly deserved), but both have been rather fair. I don't feel sorry for them, they made a decision to ride with the sinking ship, but there is no need to constantly attack them.
  7. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    This thread was down for almost a week, but okay. You my friend don't have to read my threads and if you had, you would know that i feel that wayne and steve attacked me on vbulletin.com forums. I am glad you too except the fact that you probably had your infraction from them coming, but i didn't. Steve came after me, and i couldn't do anything about it. Wayne also joined in the game and even called me names. This is all water under the bridge though.

    If you don't like how i type (bold) or what ever, just put me on ignore, it's pretty simple. That way you don't have to read things that hurt your feelings. If you do want to follow threads, atleast check and see how old it is before you wake a sleeping giant.
  8. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    That doesn't mean that they did, but that you feel that they did.
  9. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I have said that all along. All i have done is post my side of the story, they are free to come here and defend themselves.....Lord knows they won't do it at vbulletin.com they just hid behind the ban key.

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