vBulletin Blog Update in Development

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by ForumAddict, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. ForumAddict

    ForumAddict The AdminAddict Bot

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Since its initial release, the vBulletin Blog add-on product has proved itself to be a popular addition to the vBulletin software suite. It has been well received and sold in good numbers.

    Of course, no software is perfect, and we appreciate the feedback we have received from our customers regarding existing features and those that the product would benefit from having.

    Therefore, we are pleased to announce that a significant update to the vBulletin Blog is in development, which will introduce new features and implement several popular suggestions for improvements to existing functionality.

    There has been no shortage of feature suggestions and feature change requests made in the blog suggestion forum. Careful attention to all of these was paid, with consideration given to them all. This update is slated to be available in the near future, so the kitchen sink is not in the feature list, but what is on the list is sure to please and satisfy everyone while at the same time allowing a release within a reasonable timeframe.

    Here is a short list of some of the new features in the vBulletin Blog update.

    Is a blog really a blog if it doesn't have tags? We really wanted to get tag support into Blog 1.0 but we just ran out of time. Well we have tags now that feature a cloud at the top level (all blogs) and at the level of each blog.

    Featured Entries
    Customers asked for more capability out of the Featured Entry feature. Now you will be able to select multiple entries from an increased set of criteria.

    Blog Roll
    Your users will now be able to create their own custom blocks to appear in their blog sidebar. They will even be able to rearrange the order of their custom blocks and the pre-existing blocks.

    As an admin, you can now create categories that are accessible to all users or can be limited to specific usergroups.

    Blog Customization
    One of the most requested features must be the ability for users to personalize their blog. As users can now do with their profiles in 3.7, these style customizations will now be applicable to their blog too.

    Further Use of vBulletin 3.7 Features
    vBulletin 3.7 introduced several new features that are applicable to the blog.
    • The lightbox is now used in the blog.
    • Social Bookmarking links have been implemented for each entry.
    • The old vBulletin standbys of quick editing and quick loading deleted items have been implemented as well.
    Of course, this is not a complete feature list - we wouldn't want to spoil the surprise before you unwrap the shiny package.

    We hope to provide further information as time goes on regarding the Blog update via the vBulletin developers' blog.

    More on this...
  2. Daniel

    Daniel Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    Some good potential improvements, but it's still not much. Plus we don't know the timetable for release.

    What we really need are group blogs.

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