vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 28 has been released

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by News Bot, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 28 is NOW AVAILABLE for vBulletin 5 Connect license holders to download.

    Prospective customers may preview vB5 Connect at www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo/.

    The vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 28 feedback thread for licensed customers is HERE. We use your feedback to improve vBulletin.

    Beta 28 addresses 168 issues. However, we recommend you not utilize vBulletin Betas for live sites.

    Note: As with all Beta releases, no phone or ticket support will be provided for Beta 28. However, customers purchasing a vBulletin 5 Connect license will receive 30 days of free ticket support--with a start date commencing upon the Gold release.

    1. VBV-7309 The activities tab in the user profile does not shows anything
    2. VBV-6810 Blog Topics that were deleted by mods/admins appear in the "Latest Activity" view of the blog page
    3. VBV-7405 Blog Posts do not have a timestamp in the Home activity stream
    4. VBV-7098 Forums are displaying 0 topics and 0 posts after upgrading from 4.2
    5. VBV-7391 Latest Activity Module shows settings in the wrong order
    6. VBV-7295 Saving Usergroup edit makes forum error page appears in Admin CP and edits are not saved
    7. VBV-4502 Remove "Allow Search Wild Cards" setting
    8. VBV-4517 Remove "Maximum Visitors to Show on Profile Page" setting
    9. VBV-4526 Remove calendar-related options from Settings -> Options
    10. VBV-4476 "Can Administer Forum Blocks" should be removed from Administrator Permissions Form
    11. VBV-7366 Allow Signatures setting does not hide signatures
    12. VBV-2789 Remove cookie based read marking option from AdminCP
    13. VBV-7318 Admin Settings - Content type - Photos - "Attachments Per Post" setting doesn't work; trying to submit a post with more than 1 attachment triggers an error
    14. VBV-2465 Update Credits in AdminCP
    15. VBV-7545 Attachments Per Post setting is blank
    16. VBV-4503 Remove "Depth of Forums" settings
    17. VBV-4149 Missing phrases on the "View Permissions" Admin cp phrases--- you can't tell what permissions the checkboxes are referring to
    18. VBV-7418 Database error on admincp -> Channel Management -> View Permissions
    19. VBV-2926 Search in Language menu lists all language options
    20. VBV-3139 View Reputation Comments in AdminCP even though comments on Likes are removed
    21. VBV-7204 "User has not posted for days or more (but has posted previously)" display option for header ad does not work
    22. VBV-3997 VBV-3726Usergroup Permission "Can View Albums" doesn't work
    23. VBV-7097 New User Album post will have a different URL after upgrading
    24. VBV-932 Posibility to close picture shadowbox with just a click anywhere away from the picture
    25. VBV-2121 BBCode [post] doesn't work
    26. VBV-2116 BBCode [thread] doesn't work
    27. VBV-7300 All blog entries are moderated when comments are set to moderation
    28. VBV-615 Special characters cause blog creation to fail
    29. VBV-7352 Blog Settings - Blog icons stopped working "Error: You cannot use channel icons"
    30. VBV-3441 Breadcrumb is kinda...ugly.
    31. VBV-7459 Breadcrumb missing from User Profile - Regression
    32. VBV-7460 Topic and Post count on Forum Directory is 0 for guests, Regression.
    33. VBV-7346 -1 likes notification appears for unliked content
    34. VBV-7525 "Mark This Channel Read" doesn't display for registered users in channels (regression)
    35. VBV-6499 Blog owner is unable to moderate posts on his own blog.
    36. VBV-7323 Invalid Post url parameters lead to broken page instead of latest post
    37. VBV-7310 Topics listed in forums that have no topics
    38. VBV-4538 VBV-6742Forum main page (/forum) doesn't look like a forum home
    39. VBV-7402 Group with "[", "]", or "|" in the title is broken
    40. VBV-7329 Latest Topics for a group is blank when a reply is posted
    41. VBV-7200 Reason to edit comment does not display when user edit their comment
    42. VBV-7182 video posting is being allowed in comments
    43. VBV-7572 Attempting to view any topic as a guest results in results_not_found error
    44. VBV-1526 No Post Edit History feature
    45. VBV-7101 Usernames will be overlapped by the post area
    46. VBV-7434 Video autoplays when drafting/editing video link post
    47. VBV-6212 fetchClosureParent returns repeated value from the last node requested
    48. VBV-7527 Post count not counting all posts (regression)
    49. VBV-7348 Blog - New Entry - Video spills over when minimized in latest blog comments
    50. VBV-7543 Blog Entry stream view does not show page title (Regression)
    51. VBV-2307 Blog post detail page not following spec
    52. VBV-7291 Some threads randomly return blank pages instead of the thread
    53. VBV-7548 CKEditor does not load properly for Post Replies
    54. VBV-7467 Upload Attachments editor cannot be closed for visitor messages
    55. VBV-6093 VBV-7236Embedded videos via [video] tag or Video content types should render videos in posts as a "thumbnail" initially and not as iframe
    56. VBV-3283 Advanced Search: Search by Type 'Photo' does not return any results
    57. VBV-7430 theme customization's default text for image uplaods, is displaying query strings
    58. VBV-7317 Blog Post - Message Attachment Options - the user should be notified of the maximum number of image attachments BEFORE they try to submit a post with too many attachments
    59. VBV-7328 An extra check box or radio button will appear after creating a Poll post (regression)
    60. VBV-6758 "Vote Now" and "View Poll Results" buttons shifted to the right (regression)
    61. VBV-6429 Facebook logout image does not exist in VB5 install
    62. VBV-4387 Route Error on long title
    63. VBV-6721 In a group that is moderated, new posts should be hidden until they have been reviewed by a moderator; instead they display immediately.
    64. VBV-7395 Post Reply Button and Text Editor Box is still view-able when replies and comments is disabled in Group (Regression)
    65. VBV-7113 reCaptcha does not work on Contact Us page
    66. VBV-7256 Human verification seems to be on by default for logged in admins
    67. VBV-7257 Image verification -- No link next to it to reload the image
    68. VBV-3647 Move Posts is broken
    69. VBV-2649 Moving a Thread/Topic doesn't allow you to move it to other forums.
    70. VBV-7123 "Undelete Posts" option no longer visible in topic inline mod menu (regression)
    71. VBV-7283 Admins/mods don't see delete/open/close inline mod options unless they have some usergroup permissions and at least one post
    72. VBV-7215 Inline moderation checkboxes no longer displayed in profile activity stream - no way to moderate visitor messages (regression)
    73. VBV-7277 Some inline moderation actions check for permissions that don't exist in the Channel Permissions
    74. VBV-7303 Upgrade from 4.2 to Beta 27 "Step 10 - --- MISSING OUTPUT ---" with a certain database (Regression)
    75. VBV-7530 Error during upgrade from 26 to 27
    76. VBV-7100 Custom Message Folders are not being imported after the upgrade
    77. VBV-7127 "PHP Notice: Undefined index: passwordexpires " (Upgrade) - Regression
    78. VBV-7229 Banned users not being listed after upgrade from 4.2 PL3 (Regression)
    79. VBV-7108 Attachments (albums) will be broken after upgrading from 4.2
    80. VBV-7353 Style not being properly fetched after upgrade
    81. VBV-7165 Additional "$" in front of a variable
    82. VBV-7178 Reset password link leads to a blank page
    83. VBV-7349 Latest Group Topics: Statistics Formatting is Incorrect
    84. VBV-7569 Sitebuilder: Module buttons are offset (regression)
    85. VBV-7016 All languages/styles are not visible in the footer if more than 2
    86. VBV-6924 No SubNav bar in responsive View
    87. VBV-7069 Notification options are not used.
    88. VBV-6944 Duplicate post lockout applies to notifications
    89. VBV-7531 "replied to [ARG:5 UNDEFINED]" notification occurs for replies
    90. VBV-7272 Notifications - user avatars not displaying in-line for notifications of replies, but they appear correctly when you view a list of 2+ users who have replied
    91. VBV-7265 Notifications - when there are multiples likes of the same post, clicking the link to see the whole list generates an error
    92. VBV-7440 Current Online Users module always shows "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page" if "Show Users For This Page Only?" = No (regression)
    93. VBV-3933 VBV-7007Usergroup Permission "Can View Detailed Location Info for Users" doesn't work properly, users without it can't view Location
    94. VBV-667 Top Active Users module is not displaying online users
    95. VBV-6963 "There is a serious error and the page cannot be rendered"
    96. VBV-7250 Pagination in topics appears to do nothing-- it should scroll you to the top so you can read the next page.
    97. VBV-7411 Calls to image.php with &thumb=1 are not returning the thumbnail
    98. VBV-7294 VBV-7236Reduce perceived performance impact of Responsive
    99. VBV-7238 VBV-7236Refactor inline Javascript into appropriate files
    100. VBV-7379 VBV-7236New .htaccess default files
    101. VBV-7258 VBV-7236Rename JS rollups to remove query string
    102. VBV-7355 VBV-7236Create admin_rollup, move inlinemod.js to it, only include in footer if admin
    103. VBV-7357 VBV-7236Move conversation.js out of footer, include singly on the pages it's needed
    104. VBV-7269 VBV-7236Investigate reducing size of cookies
    105. VBV-7240 VBV-7236Optimize all images in svn (OptiPng, other tools)
    106. VBV-7360 VBV-7236sb_search.js: Turn off single include in search view if sitebuilder cookie on
    107. VBV-7361 VBV-7236Move blueimp/application.js to fileupload.js
    108. VBV-7362 VBV-7236tag_editor.js: Move to ckeditor rollup
    109. VBV-7363 VBV-7236tag_editor.js: Add single include in search view
    110. VBV-7364 VBV-7236tag_editor.js: Add duplicate load protection
    111. VBV-7396 VBV-7236Factor out login-form css from css_global into new file
    112. VBV-7365 VBV-7236Move jquery.thumbnail-radio-checkbox.min.js, jquery.tinyscrollbar.custom.min.js to admin_sitebuilder rollup
    113. VBV-5944 Filesystem Cache -> Redirects to core/install/index.php when filecache location is not provided
    114. VBV-7267 VBV-7236Remove specific jQuery code and global.js from header.js
    115. VBV-1384 Issue with switching stylesheets to filesystem
    116. VBV-5969 Siege Test Shows need for Query Change
    117. VBV-7356 VBV-7236content_entry_box.js refactoring
    118. VBV-6865 Memcache is not properly cleared on event call.
    119. VBV-7019 Need to cache User Permissions
    120. VBV-7304 VBV-7236JS and Image files with no expire headers not defined
    121. VBV-7416 VBV-7236Create New CSS Rollup Groups
    122. VBV-7417 VBV-7236Edit vB5_Stylesheet_Runtime to Use Individual Template Names if CSS are Not Stored As Files
    123. VBV-7331 VBV-7236Add dimension attribute tags for all <img> tags
    124. VBV-3726 Review all usergroup permissions -- many are not respected but should be, others need to be removed as no longer applicable
    125. VBV-7454 CSS unavailable for usergroup with "Can View Channels" is set to No
    126. VBV-6180 VBV-7007No longer applicable usergroup permissions that should be removed
    127. VBV-3196 VBV-7007User Picture (avatar/profile picture...) are not respecting any usergroup settings related to them.
    128. VBV-7376 Wrong check for permissions when joining a channel
    129. VBV-7004 Users with the "Can Delete Own Posts" permission (but not candeletethread, canopenclose, and canmove) see an inline mod menu in channels, but not in topics
    130. VBV-7427 No buttons to upload media on the profile "media" tab
    131. VBV-7369 "See more " Button on profile media tab doesnt hide on last page
    132. VBV-7216 Unable to Edit Post
    133. VBV-7437 Some Youtube videos are reporting that the video player is too small, regression of Beta 27
    134. VBV-7537 Cannot see Edit link in own posts as a registered user (regression)
    135. VBV-7245 Post preview popup scrolls off the page
    136. VBV-7316 Private Messages area not displaying properly after upgrade
    137. VBV-7099 Private messages aren't being imported correctly after upgrade
    138. VBV-7368 Liked replies do not have a title for their notification
    139. VBV-7315 Private Messages - Delete - User is not given a chance to confirm deletion of messages
    140. VBV-7227 Private messages have strange coloured background (regression)
    141. VBV-6276 COPPA page is not shown after registration of young user
    142. VBV-7141 facebook_login_long.gif is missing
    143. VBV-7217 Reputation png images included in download package but not used in VB5
    144. VBV-7261 Cannot search for strings that contain underscores: test_string will change to test string and won't find the content
    145. VBV-7187 Replies in search results do not have a title to link to the post
    146. VBV-7119 Search Index script (searchindex.php) is not working on a certain install (regression)
    147. VBV-7393 White background on the modules in Add Modules tab in Sitebuilder
    148. VBV-1776 forum_content_background controls too many unrelated areas
    149. VBV-7063 Stylevars: Forum List Header background is hardcoded.
    150. VBV-1752 filter_bar_form_field_inner_shadow_color is unused
    151. VBV-1750 expand_subforums_button_background and expand_subforums_button_border_color are unused
    152. VBV-1753 forum_content_background miused instead of filter_dropdown_background_gradient_start
    153. VBV-7408 Profile sidebar content is spilling out
    154. VBV-7296 IE8 displays Times Roman Font on "My Profile Page"
    155. VBV-1232 Tag_too_short_min_x message doesn't display correctly when the affected tag is grouped with valid tags.
    156. VBV-7377 Failures in template compile.
    157. VBV-2213 (Porting from vB4) Option to View/Hide User Customizations doesn't Work, and Not Present in User Profiles
    158. VBV-7344 Profile Customization section has broken style
    159. VBV-7285 Avatar focus issues when default crop is used
    160. VBV-7345 profile widget error when viewing with logged-out user
    161. VBV-7330 User unable to crop image when uploading an image for their profile picture
    162. VBV-7286 Save and Continue button are both present when editing your avatar
    163. VBV-7264 Customize My Theme button is unusable and not hidden when viewing Subscriptions/Subscribers
    164. VBV-7435 User Profile - post stream on the right side of user profile overlaps with the left sidebar
    165. VBV-7084 User Profile - Ignore List - Visitor / Private messages - when a user has been added to the Ignore List, they can still post visitor messages to the profile "wall", and send private messages to the User who is "Ignoring" them
    166. VBV-7130 in User Settings -> privacy tab -> video permissions... users without permissions could still view the video
    167. VBV-7367 User settings posts per page option affects threads per page, also
    168. VBV-7185 User's Reputation is not viewable when hovering mouse cursor on the Reputation Bar

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  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
    First Name:
    I never did get the last beta installed..lol
    I'll give this one a shot tonight
  3. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    May 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    VB Beta 2034535 to be released 2/8/2021 LOL Seems thats the way they are heading
  4. ragtek

    ragtek Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2009
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    No, it's continuing with RC1-RC 10

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