Vbulletin 4 Profiles

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Michael, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    Does anyone have any idea of what the profiles will look like in vb4? I really hope they look like the profiles in the latest IPB. Will there be any new features added to them or will they be the same but tableless? :D

    Hope someone knows :spin:
  2. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    They look exactly like the Member Profiles in vBulletin 3.7+.

    Not sure what the Profile Pages in IPB3 look like but it is probably just a few template tweaks away from implementing it in vBulletin.
  3. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Wayne will the ever be rewritten some where along the line of vB4 development.

    It shouldn't be to awfully hard to match the IPB ones if you wanted to. David - Viewing Profile
  4. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    I am sure it will be looked at in the future. The main focus of this release is three things...

    1) Get the new style system implemented. This will allow changing the UI as additional components are refactored. 4.1 will contain the bulk of the refactoring. Probably so much so that people won't upgrade to 4.1 but will import to 4.1. Of course that will be behind the scenes.

    2) Refactor search as it is the single most limiting factor for large forums at this time.

    3) Implement the Suite including the CMS portion because the future rides on the new technology in the CMS.

    Now that doesn't mean there aren't enhancements within the new style. There are some and they'll be disclosed when possible. However we have to work within the confines of time limits and the existing PHP code. We can't rewrite PHP wholesale at this point. Everything has its time and place.

    And like, I said, you can replicate that IPB3 profile today in either 3.7.X or 3.8.X. All it takes is some template edits to MEMBERINFO and some CSS. You can even do the Topics and Posts with the existing tabs and a couple of iframes. Doesn't require anything too fancy. Even the status can be replicated fairly easily. It won't be in the default template for 4.0 but can be added in the future.
  5. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    I would love for them to look similar for certain, it is a shame they wont be updated much but vbulletin still rules as always :D

    I may try recoding the memberinfo myself to look similar, I can just see problems arising when I hit the visitormessaging bits :D

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