Useful Add-ons For Web Development

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Iestyn, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Wales, UK
    I have compiled a list of useful add-ons and tools to share with you all to make your life easier as a web developer:


    • Web Developer Toolbar - This is the swiss army knife and the all-in-one survival kit for web developers.
    • FireBug - This is a brilliant addon. It allows you to edit, debug and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.
    • IE Tab - IE Tab gives you the option to see what your web page looks like in Internet Explorer.
    • Screengrab - Screengrab will give you the option to save an entire web page as an image.
    • Colorzilla - Advanced eye dropper, color picker, page zoomer and a few other useful tools.
    • Operaview - Operaview is an addon that allows you to see what your web page looks like in Opera.
    • XML Developer Toolbar - This is a very handy XML Developer's Toolbar.
    • Link Checker - Use this addon to check the validity of the links on any web page.
    • FireFTP - This will provide you with a built in FTP client in FireFox.
    • KGen Keyword Generator - Allows you to see what keywords are strong on visited web pages.
    • RankQuest SEO - You are only a few clicks away from carrying out most of your day to day SEO.

    Internet Explorer:

    This list came from my webmaster forums, I thought it may help Brandon out a bit, so please feel free to reply to this thread if you find anymore useful add-ons.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
    First Name:
    Thx for the list!
    I'm a big fan of SEOQuake as well.
    It's a FF plugin

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