The tile Network

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Dan, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Can you give me some feedback on this. What do I need more of?, What do I need less of? What would you do with it?

  2. tldagent

    tldagent Novice

    Jan 13, 2010
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    Not much to go off of aside from a visit to the site. I've never worked with Ning but it looks interesting.

    My Review

    I like the layout of the site and the colors blend quite well. The orange stands out quite a bit. It looks very well thought out with a featured ad shown twice on the front page. While the orange color stands out quite a bit and is a little off-putting for my eyes but it serves it's purpose and overall is a great looking site.

    Did notice that it takes a few moments extra for the navbar links 'Tiling Tools' and 'Tiling Courses' to load when navigating from page to page and they lead off to different sites that are set up well for advertising.

    The forum is obviously limited and serves it's purpose well for providing a place where folks can quickly share information. This is where for me it's harder to read without my eyes watering because of the sharp contrasts in colors with the white jumping off the page.

    I see that people are allowed to create groups and I see some companies have done so with links to their websites, allowing people to leave comments which promotes transparency. Your site offers a place for people to share information and leave their business information.

    Tiling News leads off to what looks like an unfinished installation or integration of wordpress. You're probably aware of this already though.

    Now, I'm not exactly sure what Ning is and I've never really looked into it but your site has peaked my interest into finding out more.

    Overall, the site is brilliant and your application of it with links to other sites in your network are brilliant as well. If you are making all the advertising revenue on this and the linking sites, it's even more brilliant.

    Summary: Great site. Can tell you've done a few of these before. Good work! The only thing I'd do is tone down the orange and white contrast.
  3. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Thank you kindly for that brilliant review there. :)

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