Software Trends In Niches

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Fleur, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I couldn't think of a better title :(

    Do you see a lot of trends going on with certain forum niche's in regards to software? I have come across a strange one. In the play by post RPG niche it seems that if you are not on Invisionfree or Zetaboards and choose to self host you are looked down upon. Definately a weird thing there.
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    I just think the less-experiences forum admins go with the free boards. Or they do it because they don't have the money to get better software or anything like that.
  3. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    The problem is that you aren't looked down because of "self-hosted" as you say. The problem is that your site [the one self hosted] isn't attractive. You need to provide that market with a quality RPG forum otherwise whatever you spent goes into the trash, meaning it's not going anywhere.

    In fact, a lot of members think that self-hosted sites are better than "free forums." You need to make that self hosted site look better than free-forum.

    The reason there are more RPG sites on free forums or similar situations is because like @cpvr said, either they have less experience running forums, or they don't have the money to buy better software. In my opinion, there aren't a lot of RPG boards because it's not really a viable market for a forum. Either you have a strong start, or started first or it's bust.

    Let me put it this way, if you bought a Call of Duty domain that looks like a forum, and is intended as a forum... And you put it on a free forum these days, most likely you WON'T attract half of the market a self-hosted call of duty forum would.

    You have 5 seconds before a potential member waltz right out of the site.
  4. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I've seen a few be offered hosting and a domain because "rpg forums are only good on invision"

    It is. go to any rpg resource site and you will see: "I don't want to join if it isnt IF/ZB" "I don't allow anyone not on IF/ZB to exchange because IF is obviously superior"

    nope not about looks in this niche. I've seen some eye hurting sites be really really popular. And as said above members are not preferring self hosted. I looked through 6 pages of wanted ads (people post what they want from a board and people offer up boards to see if they fit them) and only about 7 -10 of those topics didnt mind what software was used the rest were adamant on IF/ZB.

    Are you maybe thinking of something else? My example was a play by post roleplaying forum. Not a forum on the rog genre as a whole. There is always demand for good PBP RPG forums.

    Yes some genres would not do well on free forums. I didn't think anything would. I was just kinda amused by the snobbery of the Play By Post community. Most of them have been offered hosting etc they just love IF too much. I do know what I'm talking about. I've been in the genre for about a year now as a player and a few months as a mod and believe me the skin doesnt matter. So many times I have wanted to rip my eyes out at the skins on the forums I'm checking out.
  5. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    I apologize if you think I was trying to say that I think you don't know what you're talking about. In my browsing these RPG sites, the ones that are self-hosted have a really good design, enough to be popular. I have seen a few of these sites, but one of them changed domains so many times it's crazy. I think I know why. Based on what you just said.

    I think that someone needs to revolutionize RPG boards/forums. Right now, it's at a point where the RPG community isn't as mature as the other gaming communities in mindset. I mean, a lot of the RPG forums you've been looking at and the members that inhabit them don't know better. I am sorry to say that, but it's the truth.

    I used to want to run a RPG website, I used to want to run a RPG forum... But it's a tough crowd out there. And based on what you're saying... It's a lot tougher than what you're saying. However, someone needs to revolutionize RPG boards/forums. They have to spend a lot of money to get to that point where everyone wants to have a self-hosted RPG forum. It requires a lot of money and a lot of advertising in places that are unrelated to RPG forums. There are a lot of RPG fans out there, but you have to find the right place to advertise it. The right forum in which has lot of RPG fans.

    PBP RPG sites can be popular in general RPG gaming sites. In fact, I saw a few RPG sites that have categories that are PBP-related.
    cpvr and Fleur like this.
  6. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Oh no the i do know what I'm doing was a funny off hand comment because I was babbling so much XD. Hope you didnt take my post the wrong way I was quite interested in your points and felt i wanted to answer them all *resists posting all the things meme*

    Don't apologise to me I know how immature a lot of them are. There are a few gems out there though that are trying to bring the genre to life and make it fun and non clique-y like it should be. Sadly I have only counted 4 such gems.

    You hit the nail on the head right there. It is a tough crowd. I am taking it slow at the minute, buying a pre-0wned forum liscence, working out the plot etc. Once I get my first wage (I start in 3 days) then I will be spending a lot on custom skins, advertising etc.

    Also any advice you want to throw my way is appreciated since you seem so knowledgable :)
  7. Hotmess

    Hotmess Regular Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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  8. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Blanket statements? Also yes I know of RPG Directory. But if you look on RPG Directory here are some of the stuff I am talking about
    Another Rp Home Or Two~ :3 IF preferred

    Looking For Something New if only

    Also if you look in their affiliation section most sites only provide a code that will work on other IF/ZB so no it was not a blanket statement
  9. DarkGizmo

    DarkGizmo Mr. Awesome

    Mar 4, 2010
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    I've also noticed most promotion sites run phpBB. :P You hardly see other promotion sites run anything other then phpBB and guess what? They all look basically the same in terms of structure and setup...>BOOOORING!
  10. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I knew RPGs couldnt be the only ones like that lol. I haven't really looked around promotion forums though.

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