Really Love the digit photo

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by laron, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. laron

    laron Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    I use this product to display pictures of my work. Its the perfect size and fits nicely with my decor.
    I love it.Digital Frames
    For the price not any to mention.
    You cant ask for perfection and waste little to no money
    Decided to add it here after writing what i did for cons
    If your looking for something that has perfectly clear image queality this is not for you. The pictures look nice, but not at an amazingly speechless level. This unit made me decide on buying one for personal use (ofcourse sopposedly better than this one) but they are very convenient and a good gift, especially if you preload them before giving it to someone.
    Just wondering why none of these come with internal memory and those that do cost so much.


    cheap digital picture frame, 7 inch digital picture frame , 10 inch digital picture frame
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