Problem getting pages reindexed

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by kev, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Somewhere around late March, maybe early April - I was messing around with my site and screwed up my sitemap generator. But the problem is, I did not know it.

    Every couple of weeks I will go into my google webmaster account and check everything out. One visit I noticed that google reported site map errors. Ok, its no big deal it happens sometimes. A couple of weeks later I noticed the error again. This time I decided to check it out. I tried to view my forums sitemap and got an error. It took a little while but I finally got everything fixed.

    From the time the sitemap stopped working, to the time I got it fixed, google delisted around 280,000 of my pages. This was around the first part of May that everything was fixed.

    Here we are, about 8 weeks later and my indexed pages are not increasing. Using the site: command in google, for the past 6 - 8 weeks my forum is staying around 23,000 - 29,000 indexed pages.

    What is taking so long in getting the pages reindexed? I can post an article on my wordpress blog and its indexed in a matter of 20 minutes or less. Google seems to be indexing my forums threads and post, then looses them. Nor is google indexing all of my new pages. Google might grab 300 out of the 2,000 post in one day.

    Google weebmaster tools is not reporting any errors with the sitemap. It even says that google has indexed over 170,000 pages. But the site: command only shows around 22,000 pages.

    Is 6 - 8 weeks enough time for google to start reindexing the pages? I think so. Am I wrong, any suggstions as to what is going on?
  2. Ben

    Ben Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Google can take up to 10 weeks to start re-indexing your pages.
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    6-8 weeks seems like a long time, but I don't think it's long enough. Google takes its time with just about everything.

    Also, I wouldn't rely on the site: operator to find out how many of your pages are indexed. Google Webmaster Tools probably reports a more accurate number in regards to telling you how many pages are indexed.

    Also, how many URLs are in your sitemap, and what is its filesize?
  4. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Every night the sitemap generator builds 17 sitemaps - 16 of them have 49,000 URLs. 1 sitemap had 9,320. But this changes every night as more URLs are added.

    The size of the site maps varies from 10,164.15Kb to 1,884.12Kb

    Google webmaster tools says that over 170,000 urls have been indexed.

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