[Paid] Set of Images

Discussion in 'Graphics Requests' started by torque, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Type of Image: (Logo, Avatar, Banner)
    - Banner

    Text on image: (Text you want in the logo and what type of font you want used)

    - Sports Force Interactive (Title)
    The Sport Fans Network (slogan)

    Specific Images: (links must be supplied !)

    - Should fit pre-made theme: CompletevB Demo vB4
    Incorrect PSD supplied so sizing, and coloring is incorrect would love to have it similar. Can provide the psd if you like see what you can do.

    Sports Force Interactive Logo: http://www.sports-force.net.au/sfilogo.png

    Colour Scheme:
    To suite theme displayed above (but seem I am nice I will post it again: CompletevB Demo vB4)

    Size (in pixels): (Size you require)
    316x82 (that is all the space that is available on that theme, if you know specifically how to alter that without stuffing up the background image there let me know)

    Animations: (whether you would like animations included or not.)

    Not really needed HOWEVER if you want to add it for example have The Sport Fans Network appearing after the main graphic has been loaded a 5 second delay and then the slogan appear - all is good.

    Things to avoid: (what you don't want in your image)

    Cliche type of stuff, eg: Stock text, header with a couple balls beside it. We (just like you guys are attempting to be as unique as possible)

    Paid or Free: (Specify what your offering or if it's a free base request)
    (See bottom of the post for full details)

    Type of Image: (Logo, Avatar, Banner)
    Background Image

    Text on image: (Text you want in the logo and what type of font you want used)


    Specific Images: (links must be supplied !)

    Sport images (nothing specific feel free to use a stock image etc here)

    Colour Scheme:

    To suit color theme/style posted above

    Size (in pixels): (Size you require)

    Um not sure here is a link to what I have in mind BigFooty - Australian Rules Football (The register/guest notice part)

    Animations: (whether you would like animations included or not.)

    No animation on here please.

    Things to avoid: (what you don't want in your image)

    Direct copy of the site posted above - would get me into trouble :D

    Paid or Free: (Specify what your offering or if it's a free base request)
    (See end of post for full details)

    Type of Image: (Logo, Avatar, Banner)
    Small Advertisement

    Text on image: (Text you want in the logo and what type of font you want used)

    Specific Images: (links must be supplied !)


    http://www.rleague.com/images/rleague09.jpg (in particular the guy on the leftish)


    http://www.cricketgaming.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/CGHEADER1.jpg (in particular the logo on the left)

    Colour Scheme:
    Mainly we are after just the logos of these sites so keep the logos in the same colors.

    Size (in pixels): (Size you require)


    Animations: (whether you would like animations included or not.)


    Things to avoid: (what you don't want in your image)
    Just get the logos of those sites please nothing else.

    What we are attempting to do is create profile fields for our members to post their member account to other sport websites. This will appear in their postbit size 32x32 like some of the social bookmarks icons and styles out there. This is a four image request meaning each one of the links above is one image I need made.

    I can attempt to go into more detail if possible however is hard to think of another way to describe it.

    Paid or Free: (Specify what your offering or if it's a free base request)


    Payment will be made through Paypal - a trusted and secure internet payment gateway.

    The payment will be made 100% when screenshots with watermark are posted to the sum of $120USD.

    Once payment has been made and received by designer full .png/.gif's are to be sent to me to the e-mail address provided during private message discussions (which will be done when organising payment, receiving paypal details etc).

    Once full payment is made and has been received by the designer the full unlimited and unrestricted rights to the image should be transferred to me - which allows me to use the above images in any way/shape or form that I see fit for the Sports Force Interactive Network or associated network partners (websites that make up our network).

    Full copyright will remain in your power however you should not re-distribute the images created without my prior consent.

    I have to apologize for the above writing but I have been told I have to conduct my business better and when entering arrangements I need to clearly set out terms and stipulations so everyone is clear in what is happening and where they stand.

    These images are needed A.S.A.P and a bonus payment of $20USD (bringing the total to $140) will be made if these images get completed within the next five hours after this is posted.:lolspit:
  2. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    This has now been completed please feel free to close the thread.

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