One problem I've noticed now when trying to get backlinks...

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by cheat-master30, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Jul 30, 2009
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    Or affiliates, links, etc. It's that half the gaming sites (and fandom sites for movies, TV shows, book series, etc) seem to have bought into this page rank thing to almost too harsh a degree.

    Basically, they refuse to link to any site that's not been around for ten years or even at all, and expect it to suddenly bring them to the top of Google search results. It's annoying, and it basically means any fictional series related website will basically never get anyone ever linking to it. Blogs? Same thing, they only really link to multi million visitors a day sites for news or interesting articles. Not to mention the age old pages saying they'll never link to any site which literally has below 500 unique visitors a day, 2000 pages, page rank 9 and who knows what else, and then you check said site's statistics and forum stats and it's a site which gets about half that on a good day.

    Anyone else noticed this when running a site for other subject areas? Or them losing some links due to some site's webmaster thinking their site isn't popular enough to link to? The somewhat obsession with making sites for search engines rather than users now?
  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    At the end of the day it isnt all about page rank. How about they stick a link up for your site with 200 members daily compared to their 3k online daily. Your link will be getting noticed and theyre giving members away to you for free which no one would want to do. Also if theyre your competition Im not surprised as why should they dish out stuff for smaller/newer websites for free and for no gain. Almost everything in life is done for ones gain, not many are willing to give aways something for free especially after hours upon hours of work. Losing their page rank could mean advertisers less wanting to purchase links on their site as their PR could drop and a lot of advertisers actually go by PR of websites, ever seen people advertising selling 100 backlinks on a PR7 site? Those sites cost more to gain backlinks from so no wonder people dont want to dish out PR to every sod that asks. :)
  3. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Jul 30, 2009
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    Problem is... these aren't major sites. Most have the same or less activity than my own fairly popular website. Many were already on affiliates and changed their policy for little reason, and others are pretty much shooting themselves in the foot. I'm not say asking IGN or someone here, just some sites I respect and often were originally okay with linking to my site.

    Not really to do with advertising either, many of these sites don't have advertising or make a profit. Nor is my site a small or particularly unpopular site for that matter, I've already learnt to more ask people who run sites of similar popularity in general. Trust me, it's 200 or so daily compared to their forty or so members daily...
  4. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    Why bother then :D

    You wont gain any members from them :D Let them struggle.
  5. cylon08

    cylon08 Newcomer

    Aug 18, 2009
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    I don't care much about pageranks. I accept link exchanges etc with sites that has good quality content and that is related to my site's topic. Yes. Even if they don't have any page rank at all. Yes. I am that kind. :spin:

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