Need opinions of vBulletin users

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by JackPH, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. JackPH

    JackPH Addict

    Jul 10, 2009
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    There is no official announcement regarding when the vbulletin 4.x will be released to the general public even the price of it or the price to upgrade from vbulletin 3.x to 4.x. But when vBulletin 4.x comes out and if you are a person who is looking for a owned vbulletin license then what will u choose from the ff. options:

    (Let's assume the price for a 4.x owned license is still 180$ and renewal fee a year of update & support is 60$ ( = 5$/month since 60/12 = 5).

    1. Buy an used vbulletin license of version 3.8x and stick with it. The price is 85$.

    2. Buy an used vBulletin license of version 3.8x and upgrade to version 4.x but the price you purchased (85$) + upgrade fee < (still smaller than) 165$ (180$ - 5$x3)

    3. Buy an used vBulletin license of version 4.x. The price is 5$ greater than the total sum of money you have to spend in option 2.

    4. Would rather purchase a brand new 4.x license even if it is more expensive than an used license.

    What do you guys choose? There will be a big auction site (same owner of opening soon in the next 2 months where sellers and buyers can contact and deal directly to buy used vBulletin license. So I want to gather opinions of vBulletin Users.
  2. John

    John Regular Member

    May 23, 2009
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    I am not really sure I guess option 2 or 3. I will not take option 1 since I do not want to stick with 3.8 and option 4 is expensive but can be an alternative for me.
  3. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    I would test out version 4 first and if it's worth upgrading, I would go with option 2 (assuming option 2 was cheaper than buying new). If not I'll probably stick with option 1.
  4. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    I would honestly go with option two but off course it depends on everything else.
  5. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    i'm sticking with the version I have.
  6. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    I'm not sure the math is possible to do until the new pricing structure gets released. I would need to eventually upgrade or hire a programmer to keep the older version maintained after that reaches end of life.

    Eventually there will be a need for a modification or plugin and people may not want to create those for the older versions.
  7. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    I think it's better off waiting the couple weeks until an announcement is made - and think people should lay off the team at vb until official announcements are made.
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I agree -- people should lay off. They are becoming so annoying and pest-like. Enough is enough, honestly. You voiced your opinion, now go away and wait until progress is made.
  9. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Jul 30, 2009
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    In my personal opinion, I would say to choose option two, because the upgrade discount between the current versions and vBulletin 4 would probably be less than the sheer cost of buying vBulletin 4 as a new license (assuming the information that was given in the leaked information is still accurate, as it's about $100 more for a new vBulletin 4 license than a vBulletin 3.8 one). The first option would really not give you any benefits in the long run, because no one knows how long Internet Brands would actually maintain the 3.8 branch when vBulletin 4 is out (assuming they want more money from existing license owners, I'd say not long), and the lack of features and upcoming security problems might put you at a disadvantage compared to your competitors.

    Option three is not really likely to become plausibly possible for a long time, since all the people most likely to want to sell their vBulletin licenses would probably be the ones who'd do so before vBulletin 4's release date, and it's unlikely anyone would be reselling licenses for a new version even weeks after the release. The fourth option would probably be too much money, and might have possible licensing/contract issues, if some of the posts at .com are to be believed.

    Still, that above is assuming that the licensing upgrades are far cheaper than buying the vB 4 license new, so you'd still be better off waiting for an official announcement and then buying the license in the week or so before vBulletin 4's release date if what I said happens to be the case.

    P.S. I know exactly what people here mean by some of the members needing to stop constantly overreacting and insulting the support staff.
  10. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Sorry for going slightly OT but I get sick of going to .com to see whether other admins are sharing ideas or writing articles on how to do this or that and see Wayne and Steve constantly in threads saying the same thing over and over:

    "No announcement has been made and so no one can answer your question. All questions will be answered as soon as the announcement is made. Thread Closed"

    And they have to do this because each day there are 10-20 new threads being started and it annoys me and it annoys me that someone thinks because the word the question differently they are going to get a direct answer!

    End Rant!

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