My Computer Infection & Recovery

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Ak Worm, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    May 22, 2009
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    Recently I Was Just On This Website, I Dont Blame It. And On Another Site I Closed
    My Google Chrome, There Were No Programs Running, And Stuff. So I Closed My Laptop.
    And Went To Bed, Then I Woke Up Hearing This Weird Thing, That Came Out Of Nowhere.
    It Was Like An Ad Playing, Something About Buying Stuff. I Was Totally Freaked Out.
    Didnt Know What To Do, So I Decided To Leave It Alone, And Check My Website On
    Other Stuff, This Dude, Retardationless, Had Spammed My Site With Epic Fail Porn Pictures.
    Also Calling Me A Retard. Some 18 Year Old Dude. There Were About 30+ Posts In
    Nearly Every Forum, Except Staff And Premium. So I Deleted His Posts Instantly.
    Then Banned Him. So I Exited Out Of Everything. And 2 Minutes Later, It Plays Again.
    Some Ad, Actuallly Alot Of Different Ads Were Playing. Like Voice Ads, Or Something.
    So I Turned My Computer Off. 2 Hours Later I Decide To Watch A Movie, And Got About 40 Minutes Into The Movie. My Computer Showed A Blue Screen, Saying
    Windows Is Currently Being Shut Down To Protect Your Computer. Im All Freaking Out.
    So It Does It Repeatedly, (Shut Down) And I Get The Voice Ads Out Of Nowhere.
    I Solemnly Swear I Was On No Site, Havent Downloaded Anything. But Then I Gave
    A Call To DELL, And Asked How Can I Remove It? They Say Its A Virus, And We Connect
    Via DELLCONNECT. (He Views My Screen And Controls The Computer) We Talk,
    He Goes On Internet, And Downloads Some Things And Like Remove Files From
    System32. After That, He Removes The So Called Junk From My Computer.
    Took About Nearly An Hour For Him To Do It. In The Process, I Was Just Sitting Back
    And Watching This Guy At Work, After He Finished, A Credit Card Was Needed
    To Proccess Service He Had Done. We Thought All The Bad Stuff Was Removed.
    So I Decide To Start Posting On My Site, The Voice Ad Comes Up Again, And I Immediately
    Call DELL Back, I Couldnt Get The Same Representative, Because Of National Stations
    And Shit. So We Talked, And The Only Way To Remove It Was To Restore Computer
    To Its Factory Default Settings, Was To Pay A One Time Fee Of Over $100. Argued
    On Restoring, I Constantly Asked On How Can I Do It Myself, Without DELL Support.
    The Representative, Said That We Have To Pay To Do That, And It Was $69.99
    I Freaked, And Said That Its Not Needed, And Figure Out A Way To Get It Out Myself.
    I Nearly Spent Over $200 On What I Could Have Done On My Own, And Just Lose
    All My Files And Software, Which I Did, I Restored It And Got It Up And Running
    Fantastically! :D No More Voice Ads And System Shutdowns.
    Thanks For Reading :)
  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Use firefox, that will fix a lot of your problems. And to attack your computer, there had to be something like a java script exploit on your site. Not that it WAS javascript, but this says that your computer nor your website are secure. It could have been active X, or something like that.

    If someone can post something on your site, and it attacks your computer, something is wrong somewhere.

    If you do not get it fixed, your probably going to be reported as an attack site and black listed by google. Meaning, when someone goes to your site, they will get a warning that the site has been reported as an attack site and access has been blocked.
  3. The Real Patrick

    The Real Patrick Newcomer

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Personally, for protection against viruses, install Avast Home Edition. It's free. I personally prefer it to AVG, since the free version of Avast is activly scanning all incoming and outgoing files for viruses, unlike AVG Free, which only scans when you want it to.
  4. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    May 22, 2009
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    No LMAO! It WASNT My Site....It Just Happened All Of A Sudden, Pretty Sure I Know What

    It Was...Very Bad.

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