Mentally Deficient Users

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Wayne Luke, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    So a forum that I visit has a person that is mentally deficient. Well I am just assuming, I don't have any medical documentation on this. Anyway, I am sure they mean well but they always post in threads where they do not have a clue about what is going on. They are continually giving bad information and when you try to correct them with the correct information, you are attacking them personally. I am sure the person can learn but its more difficult for them.

    How would you handle such a person on your forum?
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I visit a forum that has such a user as well and it gets on my nerves. I'm such a troublemaker and even though I have this user on my ignore list, I can't help myself but to click "view post" each time I see one, and then make some smart-a** comment back.

    In fact, they just attempted to insult me not too long ago on the forum and while they made themselves look like the biggest idiot, I still feel the need to retaliate.

    I really don't know what I would do if the member was on my own forum though. Maybe find ways to infract them (seeing as though they continue to give bad advice) thus resulting in some sort of ban.
    Or put them on Tachy goes to Coventry.

    I really don't know. I'd like to hear others' input on this too. :)
  3. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Down the hall
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    The Miserable User mod...

    They have all kinds of issues seeing posts and replying to them. When they complain about the site other users pile on and say "Nope, must be yuo, we don't have those issues" Eventually they get fed up and go away.
  4. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Definitely a good alternative. Irritate them as much as they do you. ;)
  5. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    I've alluded to having this problem before; I have a couple of members with mental deficiencies. One is very open about it, the other we just suspect has something going on.

    The real world is not kind to these people, and often the online world isn't either. I'll admit I've been frustrated with them sometimes as well, but as a person with disabilities of my own I will not let the shunning happen on my watch.

    So far the best results I've had have been to find other members with real experience in that arena; compassionate people with children or relatives with mental disabilities. Maybe they can offer you advice on how to handle them, or be willing to befriend them and take them under their wing.
  6. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    While I would indeed find this frustrating, I don't think I'd resort to enabling "Tachy Goes to Coventry" - this seems a bit inappropriate, particularly as we are talking about individuals who suffer from some sort of mental deficiency (or, we're assuming that we are).

    To be honest, I don't know how I'd handle such a situation. I've never been presented with the unique opportunity to do so.
  7. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    I'm sorry, I thought the OP was using the term mental deficiencies in a fecicious way.

    Both my son and I have neurological disorders, so I am very compassionate about and with anyone who has a true disorder, whether mental, neurological, physical, etc.

    To be honest, I've not dealt with someone online with a mental disorder, so I truly don't know how I would handle the situation.
  8. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    No.. I think the person has an actual mental deficiency. I realize there are things that need to be worked around because of it. Was just wondering how others have dealt with it.
  9. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    I would start with a polite and objectively written PM.

    They may not realize what they are doing, or possibly are struggling to integrate into a community and are having a hard time with that.
  10. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    I am a person that suffers from many mental disorders, not even joking.

    Major Depression, Bipolarity, ADHD, Uhh, there are more, but the most ridiculous one I've heard about me is that I always fight with authority. u_u

    The doctor always says NOT to do any activities with out having an actual medication. Other than that, some that have mental problems that are not medicated should not be online, anything can trigger real life things.

    People like me are pretty sensible, although I am not medicated since I can control some of my 'disabilities', I always refrain myself from coming online if I don't feel right.

    Either way, what kind of mental disability you think he has? I might be able to help some more.
  11. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    May 18, 2009
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    If you're truly a Bipolar, then you can only control it through medication. It's not like A.D.D or A.D.H.D where you can learn techniques to live with the issue. A lot of non medicated bipolars self medicate through the use of alcohol or illegal drugs. I've seen more than my far share of bipolars end in tragedy. So if you truly are a bipolar I urge you to seek out proper medical treatment if all possible.
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  12. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    I have to ask ... does it matter so much? I'd handle it as I would 'in real life' (whatever that is.) If everyone clues in pretty quickly that this person is not sharing the best information, and isn't going to learn, I'm not sure it's important to point out the deficiencies in the post or the person. Just let them hang around and post and be a part of the community, just as many people would in a group of friends. Let the posts go without comment. Someone is always happy to make it their personal task to drop a private word to newbies ... whatever X posts, just give it a pass.

    To me it seems the internet offers a pretty easy and passive outlet for people who are not up to the speed that most people are. Whatever isn't valuable is easily given a pass. I'm sure the time on the computer keeps them busy and lessens the need for constant caretaking. And there's a sort of 'there but for the grace of God ... ' -- an accident or misfortune could put any of us in that situation, and perhaps we would like to use the internet as a pasttime and hope others would treat us kindly. :)

    The ability of a society to absorb this kind of situation demonstrates a stong society with members with a clear sense of self. Just imo
  13. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    I go to psychiatrist to follow-up on my 'Mental Issues' not like I told my self I shouldn't take them. I am very knowledgeable on what each disorder can do to me and the doctors are aware that I do not drink my medications, why? I've grown to control what I have. I am a non-alcoholic nor do I smoke anything illegal, my mom finds it wierd that I don't drink, I don't see the wierdness on that. My doctors have approved to me not taking my medications. Been 4 years with out them, haven't needed them yet.

    I am as normal as anyone else, just that if something gets out of hand enough for me to anger, it can trigger some of my disorders, when I eat too much chocolate, I get extremely hyper extremely quick.

    Unlike some other people who have mental problems, I am mature enough to control myself and not blame it of 'disorders' if I do get out of hand.

    To respond 3Phase,Sadly some people with mental disabilities can take things they read very personal, therefore if there is a member some things should be treated around them, not only because of that member, just because things like that happens regardless.
  14. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    May 18, 2009
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    It's either time for a new doctor or you're not a bipolar. You can talk control all you want but I've dealt with bipolars for over 10yrs and more Phyc hospitals than I care to talk about. A bipolar doesn't have the foggiest idea of what is going on during a psychotic episode. These Psychotic episodes are real and are similar to black outs but worse. They wake up in phyc hospitals wondering what in the hell happened or where they are. In the past 10 years I've seen more than my far share of bipolar suicides as well. It's a serious illness that demands constant attention from a good doctor. I've run into Psychiatrist that shouldn't be allowed around a bottle of aspirin let alone prescribing medicine. Then I've seen Psychiatrist slamming the door on bipolars in the middle of a psychotic episode. So again, if you're truly a bipolar I would seek out better medical help if all possible.

    Sorry about the rant but I'm some what sensitive to the subject.
  15. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Maybe later on when my mom is awake and she can give me the hundreds of papers I have saying I am a bipolar, I could take a picture.

    Sorry, but you're generalizing. People have different ways on dealing with bipolarity, as there are different ways of being bipolar, the most common one is switching moods quickly for no reason, which is the one I have. I do NOT know what you're talking about black outs, because I've been to enough Psych wards to tell you that I haven't seen that.

    I was internated on the Yale New Haven Psych ward for evaluation on my curren state, and when I was 10 I was instituted in the Mepsi Psyq hospital of Puerto Rico [which is closed now] when I showed signs of quick behavioral changes. A bipolar DOES NOT have to have a black-out to be a bipolar.

    Since I was seven I've been to those doctors, I've seen things they do to some patients and I've seen crazy things. But generalizing by saying 'A bipolar doesn't have the foggiest idea of what is going on during a psychotic episode.' is not right, because believe it or not, we do know what happens a lot of the times.

    You've seen part of the world, not the whole world, there are people who can control what they do, there are people who can be diferent. Not because you've seen people like that means you've seen all the people with the same dirorder, just diferent levels.
  16. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Deficiency not disorders. I am talking something akin to Low I.Q., Down Syndrome, Mental Retardation, Celluar Degeneration. I doubt it is something that can be controlled by medication or regimen.

    The posts are a source of contention in the community and only cause more strife among the members.

    Having seen what happens to people in real life, this person would have been hit by someone a while ago. I don't think it should come to that. The community draws people from all over the world. In some cultures a person such as this would still be left to die in infancy. In others they would be locked away for life.

    What happens is everything becomes a personal attack and the users of the community act like trolls. Certainly can't ban everyone. If they would simply ignore the person, that is one thing but they don't. Just gives them a reason to break the rules.
    Even if it destroys the community? Its actually become a real problem in the community and pretending it doesn't exist isn't going to make it go away. There are too many people on the site just to contact people personally and tell them to ignore an individual.

    Neither PMs or infractions seem to work.
  17. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Create a special user group, give that group a tag that is visible to everyone else, and assign that member (and others) to the group.

    I have an "Under 18" usergroup. If I see a member that is between 13 - 18, they get put in the under 18 group. That puts an "Under 18" tag next to their name. I do not allow under 13 to register.

    Depending on how "harsh" you wanted to be, maybe create an "Idiot" or "Retarded"
    group, with an image for the members in that group. Then assign the member to that group.
  18. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    Kevin, you are aware of the fact that we're referring to individuals who each suffer from some sort of mental disorder (or disorders), correct? If so, I'd be interested in hearing your reasoning as to why you'd feel the need to place these members in a group labeled with the name "Retarded" or "Idiot".
  19. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I do not know those people personally, so I have no way to "know" for a fact what they suffer from.

    As I said in my first post, it depends on how nice or cruel the administrator of the site wants to be.

    Do those people really have a mental disorder, or are they just acting like an idiot. I have no way to know for sure. Create 2 groups, one of the trolling idiots and another for the ones you think have a real problem.
  20. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    May 18, 2009
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    You're right, there is levels of Bipolar disorders but I have personally seen bipolars go 30 years before having their first psychotic episode. Now if you haven't seen a person going through one inside a Psychiatric Hospital, then you probably haven't been in anything higher than a Phyic level I or level II hospital. I've been inside Level IIIs with people claiming they were the King of England or Jesus Christ.

    Psychosis or what we call Phycotic Episode:

    "Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind or soul, and -ωσις "-osis", for abnormal condition), with adjective psychotic, literally means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". People suffering from psychosis are said to be psychotic."

    Psychosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I'm honestly not trying to argue or put you down in any way shape or form. In my opinion Bipolars turn a more boring world into a more fun place to hang out. Their very creative and smart people. It's just that I don't want to see anything bad happen that could have been other wise prevented.

    Please take care,
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