Let's Just Talk- A Place to Socialize

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Ashley, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Hey everyone, are you looking for a new place to chat and have fun? Well Let's Just Talk is the place for you! At Let's Just Talk, we offer a variety of discussions to choose from, including real world discussions, and a place for administrators and moderators to hang out! Come join us at http://www.armleg.com/letsjusttalk ! My co administrator and I are talking about getting a .net domain, so we could soon be www.letsjusttalk.net more details to come, though. But in the meantime, come on down and join in on the fun!
  2. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Overall, good basic forum layout that won't scare users. Choice of software may deter some users from registering. I don't register at phpBB2 sites because its interface is horrible. For example, I expect the breadcrumb for a site to be directly under the header and part of the primary navigation, not even with the content. The lack of AJAX content submission can be a pain as well though not as much a deterrent as the basic layout. Intermediary pages when submitting content are very annoying.

    From there you should look at your forum topics. It looks like a general chat site with a variety of real world topics. However the forums of "Adminsitrators and Moderators" and "Hosting Domains and Chat" are limited to a very small subsection of a general audience. I'd rather see general forums for Home Entertainment, Mobile Devices (Cellphones, MP3 players, GPS) and Social Networking in the Computers and Technology section. In the Entertainment section you missed Movies which make more money and draw larger audiences than the other entertainment categories that you do have movies for. With weekly movie releases, that is hundreds of discussions every year you can do. That doesn't even count television or DVD/Bluray releases.

    Overall, its a good start but you need to get into the headspace of your audience a little more and engage them. Also definately go do that domain name before someone else buys it and takes your traffic. Linking as you are now is going to limit your traffic and your rankings in the search engines.

    So that this isn't overly negative, I do want to reiterate that you have a good start and with a little refinement you can make a great forum. Just a few interface tweaks and some different discussion areas and I think it could go far.
  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Okay, I wasn't asking for a review, but thanks for the compliments. We will take some of your suggestions into consideration. I am with PHPBB2 as I have tried countless times with version three and I can't make it work out. I know the url is a tad defensive, if it wasn't my forum it would've probably stopped me from joining. My co-administrator and I are talking about getting a .net domain sometime soon. That's just talk, though. Nothing official yet. I will take your ideas into consideration and share what you said with my staff, if that's okay with you. Thanks for the review, though, even though I was just showing my site off and not requesting a review at this time. It was very helpful, anyway.
  4. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    It is a "review" forum as well. Anyway, good luck.
  5. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Sounds like I got the best of both worlds it seems like! But thanks! I'm trying my best.
  6. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I've put your forum up in the "Newly Launched" section of the sidebar. :D
  7. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Thanks, Nick! Here are the latest Let's Just Talk Stats: Our users have posted a total of 1668 articles
    We have 43 registered users

    So as you can see, we've reached the 1000 post mark, but sadly, only the staff is active at this point. We need more active members so if you could come on down and join us that'd be great. Also we are looking for relief staff as well: ]Let's Just Talk Relief Staff Desperately Needed Please look at that topic for more info! BTW, the hosting site we're with will be upgrading us to PHPBB3 eventually. So keep a lookout!

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