Hetzner EQ4 (i7, 8GB, 2x750GB, 5TB BW, 100Mbps) server up for transfer

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Coyso, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Coyso

    Coyso Newcomer

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Hetzner EQ4 server up for grabs: Hetzner Online AG: Dedicated Server EQ 4

    i7 920
    8GB RAM
    2x 750GB SATA HDDs (RAID 1, software, so RAID 0 is possible too)
    5TB of bandwidth (additional bandwidth at 6.90€/TB)
    1 IP

    Additional IPs can be bought & there's also the option of Flexi Pack and Hardware RAID etc, but it costs extra, and you can add these after the server has been transferred to you.

    EQ4's normal setup price is 149€ and its monthly cost is 49€.

    I have paid up front the server till July 15th, so it has two full weeks of use before Hetzner bills you for the first time.

    What I'm asking for is 83.50€ which seems to be $120 at today's exchange rate. Thus you are saving a significant amount: 149€ + (49€/2) = 173.5€ and you only pay 83.50€. Thus you save 173.5 - 83.5 = 90€ or $129.

    The transfer process is very simple:

    • I create a transfer token
    • I'll give it to you, and with it you can create an account on Hetzner's site
    • You'll pay me the equivalent of 83.50€ or $120, likely via PayPal
    • Once I've received the funds, I'll accept the transfer request and the server immediately appears within your Hetzner account and under your control
    If you live outside the EU, the monthly cost of the server will be about 41.2€ (about $59), since folks outside EU don't have to pay the 19% VAT. If you are within the EU, then you'll pay 49€ monthly.

    If you ever want to cancel the server, Hetzner's cancellation period is 30 days to the end of month.

    Contact me by email: coyso at operamail.com or by private messaging me here.
  2. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Dec 6, 2009
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    First Name:
    What OS?

    Sent from my HTC Glacier

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