free review request

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Marc, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Marc

    Marc Checkmate - Game Over

    May 28, 2010
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  2. ShadyX

    ShadyX Regular Member

    May 11, 2010
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    I'll try to get this done ASAP
  3. ShadyX

    ShadyX Regular Member

    May 11, 2010
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    Graphics 15.5/25

    Banner 4.5/5
    Very nice. A simple and very nice banner to show what your forum's about. Heck, I could probably tell the niche of your forum by that picture.

    Good job on this

    Navigation bar 2/5I can see it's VB's default navigation bar and it kinda works, but I think you have to customize it more.
    Forum Icons 1/5
    I'm sorry to say, the forum icons look bad for your forum. It's plain and ugly and just doesn't fit. Change it and make it look nicer
    "who is online?" picture /5
    Since I'm pretty sure you can't change this image, this section will not count
    Layout 8/10
    The layout looks pretty good. No known errors anyone would pick up on. There's a few problems I would mention though:

    - say I wanted to talk about flash. Where would I put that? I can't see any section with those types of scripting programs in your forums
    - (not taking score off of this) I would put the domain forum in the Marketing and business forum. It just seems like that is an important part of business.

    Pretty solid though

    Final thoughts, customize it like the way you did it for when it was on forumotion's host. It looked much better then
    - General 22/30
    First impressions 13/20
    The first impression I get is kind of iffy. Since I can tell it's basically a default VB version, it's not very appealing to the eye. The page where people enter when they first click on the site is what I like to see. That's what gets people interested, but the forum needs a lot of customization for you. And I know you can do it because you have done it before. Work on this
    Categories and Forums 9/10
    The categories and forums you have are pretty much everything you need in a site like yours. Look above for what I would change as I already mentioned it there
    - Usergroups 19/20
    Population of groups 10/10
    Usually, I would say having 1 admin and 1 mod beside you is low, but for your forum, it's enough for now. Once it starts getting a lot more populated, then you might have to look for some more.
    Staff groups/ User groups 10/10
    From what I've read from a few of your staff's posts, they're mature and they are very willing to do their job very well. Good job of finding good staff members
    - Forum activity 13.5/20
    Post/Member Ratio & Quantity 7.5/10
    I have your post/member ratio at 7.2. This is not bad considering you opened this forum almost a week ago, but work on it some more.
    Users Active 6/10
    It sucks to see that I see usually only a few people on at a time. You have to start advertising in more places, put backlinks, etc and most importantly, customize it. No one likes a default version of a forum

    Congratulations, your forum has passed our review with a 74 %


    Everything but the design is good. Work on it and it will be a successful forum.

    Also, don't forget to rate your review
  4. Marc

    Marc Checkmate - Game Over

    May 28, 2010
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    Hmmm... Maybe you're right. I'll take this under consideration.

    They can talk about flash in the "Website and Server Administration" forum.

    Actually, they visit the homepage ( ) or a page with content , unless they found a direct link to the forum index. So, basically, the content is what the visitor is looking for at the moment, ;)


    Score looks pretty low, heehee... And I thought that I was the only staff member when I requested this review, haha...

    Correction! :)

    A few people seems to like the default vBulletin theme, but it gets annoying if you are a member on about 5+ forums with the default vB theme, :( So, I'd work on a new theme in the future, ;)

    Thanks for the review, :)
  5. ShadyX

    ShadyX Regular Member

    May 11, 2010
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    No problem.

    And you could've just rated the review with these comments on the review thread lol. But it's fine.

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