Flames and Ash Gaming

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by MjrNuT, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    I wish I could have come across AA much earlier. As I've said in some other post, I'm no veteran of vBulletin or online communities. I feel like describing how I came to where I am today, but that may just bore the hell out of you, yet some thing I've done would make sense knowing some background. I'll just open myself up to the critique that will come because truthfully, that is what I'm looking for. From people that have been doing this sort of thing for a good while.

    Without further ado, my site is: Flames and Ash Gaming

    It is a PC Gaming Clan that started based on the VaLVE game Team Fortress 2. The clan was meant to be a close-knit and personable one. One that was unique in how it handled memberships, servers, administration, events, censorship, moderation, etc. Things that mostly came from my own vision and were helped by others. Operative word being -- were. The clan/community activity has dwindled significantly over the past month or so for various reasons.

    I'm the kind of person that constantly things up ideas or ways for interactivity in this gaming environment. Just they way I am. Income from the site is not a priority for the site. Gaming in a mature, sdult environment is the priority.

    I let myself go a bit, sorry. Let 'er rip.

    Thanks in advance and make sure to preface with lube...please? :P
  2. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Sorry for the long delay in getting a review.

    *insert pic of KY Jelly here

    1. Your header graphic area is huge, and low quality. Try to shrink it down, and it should improve both page quality, and page loading times tremdously

    2. You have 1 link directly to your forums its barely noticable and out of the way from the vBCMPS page. I suggest adding one in the navbar or something.

    3. The skin itself, looks pretty dated with the "metallic" feel that it's giving off. I'd try for a more modern look.

    Over all though its not to bad really. It just needs cleaned up some, and a slightly more modern look and you'd have a great forum.
  3. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    wow...I'm really appreciative. I had no deadline or anything. Let me try to respond a little as the KY was....inviting.

    1. Good idea. I'm interested in the quicker page load times.

    2. I like that idea. It has been buggin me for a long time actually. lol

    3. We actually have 2 skins. I'm guessing you only reviewed the light colored one. You can choose a dark one as well.

    A little background. Both skins were purchased from Transverse Styles and I had inhouse people come up with the replacement graphics. I didn't have much say in them...b/c I've said, I'm no graphics literary. So the skill was dependent on them, hence I have no idea what would be termed modern per your recommendation.

    Thanks alot for the input!!
  4. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Will get to this some time in the future....

    I have added this to the navbar for both styles. But I don't know how to place them at like the first position. My Downloads link is auto put in the place that is shown. Any help with that?

    Still trying to understand what you mean by this.

    Something I apologize for not providing in the first place, to follow what the Sticky said to provide. So here it is below FWIW.

    Please see my question at the very bottom though

    Forum URL: Flames and Ash Gaming

    Forum Name: Flames and Ash Gaming

    Launch Date: July 1, 2008

    Posts/Threads/Members: 8,183/780/33 (active) Stats as of 11/12/2009, prune done 3 months ago

    Forum Software: vBulletin 3.8.4

    Description: PC, online gaming centered around VaLVe's Team Fortress 2 game. A clan and community to promote respect, teamwork, communication, and sillyness.

    Other Info/Points of Interest: Had started with a free style to get started with the plan to have a member develop a custom design after understanding vB. The custom design was started, prolonged, and never reached completion. My lack of graphics skills only gave me the option to go out an research how to obtain a custom style, which involved looking at many sites. I even posted on TAZ on how to go about such a venture and received no help, whatsoever.

    Ultimately, the game plan was to purchase a style pre-made and customize to the extent possible with available member contributions. Two styles were chosen from reputable Transverse Style -- HallowOrange and Metallix, both fluid. Both of these are used to provide a choice on dark or light theme. All logos, icons, etc. were replaced with custom created ones. This is the current setup of the site.

    Note though, the previous concept of inhouse design concept (that never completed) was partially done in terms of logo, color, font. These things were used for the Metallix style to recognize what work was actually done (that was actually wanton), prior to switching to someone else's effort.


    How should a n00b in this go about consulting for a custom design? I'm sure there is an Article about this? ;)

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