Examples of good and bad usability?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by cheat-master30, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Jul 30, 2009
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    For me, I'd say some good examples of usability include the standard vB WYSIWYG editor (or to be fair, ANY such editor), partly due to the sheer ease of use and general good interface design they have, the standard Style Manager for vBulletin and any form of plugin system for any forum software (again, due to how easy and efficient they are for non tech savvy users). The modules part of Drupal is great in terms of ease of use too.

    But for bad, I'd say possibly the Style Manager in vBulletin 4, and the final install page in Moodle (which is linked here as a picture, if you can print it correctly, it's about 60 pages long)

    What such stuff do you think is well/badly designed?
  2. Ramses

    Ramses Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    A good exampe for a bad usability is the reply button on vb4, you need to double click to go for advanced reply. How can anybody know this? If you browse a website do you double click around on all buttons to test out if there's a hidden function?
  3. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    Oct 23, 2009
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    not telling anyone ;)
    one example of bad usability i can think of is when i was on proboards (it has changed since then, it was a few years back) modify profile and delete account were right next to eachother. i lost count of how many times i almost deleted myself, and when i was staff, other people....

    for me to be able to use something, it must be idiot proof :rofl:

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