Does anybody use the Xen AdShare mod by Surrey Forum?

Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Quiver, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Quiver

    Quiver Regular Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    Chudleigh, Devon
    XenForo have quite an awesome modification called "XenAdShare by Surrey Forum".
    It basically allows your members to use their own Adsense code in topics they create.
    It also conforms with the Google AdSense TOS so only one publisher ID displays ads.
    Providing you have no other on-page ads (i.e. in the global footer) this mod will work.
    Google have a policy where only one publisher ID can display ads on any one page. ;)
    So one topic by one member equals one page. Another topic equals a separate page.
    So two different members can display their AdSense ads without breaking the TOS.
    Brandon likes this.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

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  3. Quiver

    Quiver Regular Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    Chudleigh, Devon
    Well I have experience with this on my forum and it does encourage one or two extra sign-ups. I haven't seen people going crazy for the offer, however, so it's not worked out to be quite what I thought. But if you don't currently generate a revenue from AdSense it might be something to consider if you want to maybe generate a few extra sign-ups and earn AdSense at the same time. What I do is I give Registered members a 25% adshare (so their ads display 25% of the time in topics they create...the other 75% of the time my ads show). So you can kill two birds with one stone. ;)
    Brandon likes this.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Can you use it and not get banned from Google AdSense. I posted something similar on XenForo using custom profile fields for a member to enter their AdSense details, showing their ads. But Shawn Hogan posted in that thread saying it would get you banned if not careful, it was against Google TOS to show more than one AdSense ID on any page.

    Something Shawn said to keep in mind.

    In other words, don't plan on showing your ads, alongside forum users ads on the same page.

    With the custom profile AdSense thing I was creating, members own threads would contain their adsense ads, done to try and promote them posting more threads. If they didn't fill in the profile AdSense fields, then no ads at all would get displayed in their thread.

    It was more trouble than it was worth in the end, because it meant a member had to first create same size banner in their adsense account (getting both ID's from it to use) on my forum, and also make sure their adsense settings allowed ads to be shown on other sites.

    Too long winded, and wouldn't be so bad if a member only needs enter their PUB number from AdSense. But I found ads don't show up for them unless they enter both PUB and CLIENT numbers, which they can only get both by creating a banner same size as used on forum.

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