Dear SEO 'Specialists' and Get Rich Quick People; Please Clear Off

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by CM30, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    This is a public service announcement aimed at the hordes of mindless idiots joining webmaster forums and posting completely useless fluff content in some desperate attempt at boosting their 'page rank'.

    Don't bother. Seriously, stop joining forums and commenting on blogs JUST to pimp your crappy get rich quick schemes and businesses that offer zero value to anyone on the internet.

    You offer absolutely no value to any forum on the planet. You waste decent people's time with your subpar, useless spam posts and fluff that adds absolutely nothing of value to the discussion. Sites like Sitepoint, Digitalpoint, The Admin Zone and Admin Talk shouldn't need to spend hours clearing up your pointless crap meant to do nothing but get your worthless sites ranked higher in Google through your signature appearing.

    • If you aim to use a spam tool like xrumer, stop, you're ruining people's lives and spitting on their hard work.
    • If you're interested in finding lists of sites which are dofollow, stop. That's the wrong reason to join a community.
    • If you register as 'free casinos online.whatever', stop. You're not fooling anyone.
    • And more to the point, if you're looking for a get rich quick scheme, just give up already. They DO NOT EXIST! There is no way to make money that doesn't involve some sort of effort, regardless of what the crappy ebooks you can get on sites like Warrior Forum and Blackhat World promise.
    Above: Please don't join forums for 'seo' purposes.

    More to the point, let me give you another harsh truth here. Do you know the real reason your site doesn't rank high in Google?

    Because it's garbage. Your online casinos and illegal pharmacies and get rich quick ebooks and other such crap don't rank well because they're complete junk that no normal person will ever want to use. We know when your content is generated by some crappy robot. We know when you're telling a giant pack of lies meant to only line your own pocket and not help your actual 'users'. We know your site made in one day in Microsoft Word/FrontPage/name some useless tool here is the mark of an amateur. That's why we don't use it.

    You spamming it on our favourite forums as a signature link will never change that. No one wants the stuff you're offering because it's low quality rubbish.

    So do us all a favour. Grow up, stop trying to rip people off and stop treating internet forums and blogs as some sort of link farm for your worthless scam sites. Join forums and communities you actually want to be a part of and actually contribute useful things like articles and opinions. Help people with their own problems, in a way that isn't just 'use this service I'm an affiliate of so I get money'. Tell those idiots in your own communities boasting about easy riches and how to scam people to get lost and hopefully never come back.

    Because someone who posts fluff posts to advertise their crappy sites is a parasite. Someone who uses others in some desperate attempt to get rich quick overnight is a parasite. Hard work gets you places, spamming does not.

    This has been a public announcement. Have a nice day.
    Dan Hutter likes this.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
    First Name:
    Spot on. The last few days I have removed several posts like the one in your screen shot which the spam filters caught. The one that got through was dealt with quickly.

    I have banned several countries. I do not allow India, Russia, China or Pakistan which are the countries most of this garbage comes from. They can visit and browse, but they can't register.

    A new tactic spammers are using is IPV6 to register and confirm. I haven't seen it here because I haven't enabled IPV6 for this site yet, but, I do see it on my partners sites. It opens up a whole new way for spammers to get around IP blocks. Just about anyone can get a /60 or /48 if they want it. I have 2 of each and it's more IP space then I'll ever need or use.
    Big al likes this.
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I don't get why you even replied back to that spam on TAZ. I spotted and read it before your reply and purposely avoided posting in it then - until you did later. What was a little annoying, I just saw a staff member lock that Mark.B topic about them leaving TAZ (for going slightly off topic), they wasted no time doing that. But fail to take action on obvious spam.
  4. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    @CM30. A very good post. To show what we are up against I am posting part of a "dump" scam email that I have reported to the authorities
    along with many others.

    There are quite a few websites and hackers/scammers/spammers who are now selling mass emailing programs designed to bypass "captchas" etc.

    I am currently fighting an Indian hacker/scammer/spammer who is selling these from his base in Kerala India.
    To counter these scammers we do need the co-operation of admins on various sites. Unfortunately some are supporting this guy and others like him.

    To give us an idea of how many of these emails are being sent out daily, one of the large organizations deleted over 4 million spammers in a one week period, it only caused a slight blip in the spamming scene. The spam activity now seems to be increasing.

  5. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    [QUOTEI have banned several countries. I do not allow India, Russia, China or Pakistan which are the countries most of this garbage comes from. They can visit and browse, but they can't register.][/QUOTE]

    Ukraine is also very active in spamming recently across quite a few websites.
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Nice thoughts but it's not like they will take any notice.

    Don't lose any sleep over them...delete, ban, defend.

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