Dear General Forums:- Free Make Money Tips

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Guest, May 14, 2010.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Alright.. So I've now written two e-books, one a free one and a paid one .

    Then I thought about it, and I was like "hey why don't I give it out to all my forum friends", so I've decided that each day (..or a few) I will give a tip on how to make money online.

    Todays Tip:

    #1 - Forum Posting Careers - Did you know people will pay you just to post on forums? You can make up to $1 per post, just to build content on their forums. (Kinda like how Brandon buys DB's of posts, these guys buy posts to build up db's).. If you got me? You can get jobs like these here on GF (maybe) and on Webmaster Forums.

    Good Luck,

  2. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Jul 20, 2006
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    New York
    Thanks Caleb. :) I hope you don't mind be giving some feed back on your tips.

    The forum posting idea is a good one I suppose. For me I've never seen any good offers most turned out to be less than $.25 per post. Aside from that I join communities to be part of the community not to be paid to post content but it'd be good for someone to pick up a little extra cash I suppose. :)
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    Thanks for sharing your info Caleb, I'm a bit limited on time but will check out your ebook as soon as I get a few mins.

    and my 2 cents.. I've never been a fan of paid posting, IDK why, I've just never been interested in purchasing or selling my post.
    I think they may be good to start off a forum or trying to kick start a section. Maybe I'm just lucky and have some awesome friends that come and post for free :shut-mouth::giggle:
    As an admin, I think providing a fast website with easy to find content is top priority. I would rather purchase a site and merge with ours, over paying members to post. 2 cents

    ps.. I tweeted, stumbled, dugg & liked this post, you should too :highfive:

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