Customisations Database now supports ColorizeIt

Discussion in 'phpBB Discussions' started by News Bot, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    Hi everyone,

    The phpBB Styles Team is proud to announce that the Customisations Database now supports ColorizeIt!

    What is ColorizeIt?
    ColorizeIt is an online color scheme editor for forum styles, blog themes and website templates. With only a few simple clicks you can change the color scheme of any forum (phpBB) or blog theme (WordPress and Drupal) without editing any images or html/css files. These are all provided by the ColorizeIt system.

    How can I use it?
    Simple: go to the contribution page of the style where you want to change the colours from, for example for prosilver Special Edition it would be this link, once the page loads just click on the "Change Colours" button, and follow the introductions from there.

    How can I add that to my submission?
    You don't have to do anything awww.phpbb.com_community_images_smilies_icon_e_wink.gif For all approved Styles the ColorizeIt feature is enabled by default. For Styles Authors this means that you will only be able to see/use it when your Style has been approved.

    What about the Colorize Styles I have submitted to the Customisations Database?
    All Style Authors will be contacted if they have a ColorizeIt Style, at which point they will be given the option to keep one Style in our Customisations Database while the others will be removed so users will not be confused by multiple ColorizeIt Style versions.

    Special Thanks
    The Styles Team would like to thank CyberAlien for his work and support during the integration.

    If you find any bugs please report them to our Customisations Database Bug Tracker.

    You may discuss this announcement here.

    Thank you,
    The phpBB Styles Team

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  2. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Falmouth, Cornwall, UK
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    Nice to see this fully functional at last as it's a great feature for those who are less comfortable editing CSS themselves
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Topeka, Kansas
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    That's very slick, so you can pick the design you want then adjust the color accordingly.

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