Become co-partner, interviewer, counter, CHECK!!

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by master412160, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. master412160

    master412160 Regular Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Name of site (and/or forum)?: Interviewed You (IY)
    Link to forum?: Interviewed You-Interviewing Site/blog Forum: Interviewed You Forums
    Genre?: A bit of journalism and 1 of a type site. Special concept;
    Forum Software?: MyBB 1.6 on the forum and Wordpress on the blog
    Total number of posts the forum has received?: 767 posts in 186 threads. On the blog we have published 27 interviews.
    Seeking?: Co-admin-Partner / Interviewers / other staf
    Paid Position?: NO, not now. Once we generate money then maybe yes.
    If Paid, How Much?: /
    Why are you requesting staff?: We love it how much people like us but with our site getting more and more traffic, there is also more and more work to be done. Our site isn't working a 100% right now, we wish it to run more smooth.

    In total there are 4 ranks available to be filled in by you.

    Best to check this out to get all the info: Join the IY Team!

    Thanks for your time, DO NOT contact me here. Use the form, thanks.:)
  2. master412160

    master412160 Regular Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Hello, bumping this to give the latest update of jobs available on IY.

    We currently are in need of: 2 interviewers, 1 Advisor, 1 GFX Designer, 1 Tech-Admin.

    Join the Team

    Thanks alot for clicking this topic and giving us a bit of attention of your valued time. We hope you maybe even apply to for a job.:D

    Best of luck, IY should be fully running when all this positions, mainly interviewers are filled up.

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