Anime forums

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Kakeru, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. Kakeru

    Kakeru Addict

    Jun 28, 2009
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    What are your thoughts on them?

    Are they too much alike, spammy, filled with 4chan users, members who set their genders to the opposite of what they are, script kiddie forum admins, or do they focus too much on downloads?

    Maybe all of the above. I use to be a very active member one this one old traditional anime forum where the forum is the focus (as well as countless other anime forums of all sorts). Even made it to moderator fairly quickly there (for that forum).

    Now I really don't post at any anime forums on my own free will. I've grown to hate them even though anime and manga is the main interest of mine. When I do post at such a forum, I rarely put much effort into my posts. Why would I?
  2. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    No problem with Anime forums, but I just can't stand anime. All those daft drawings of girls with big eyes trying to look flirtatious. Not sure what it's supposed to do for people, but it does nothing for me.

    That said, I've no problem with it. It clearly works for a lot of people, and good luck to them. If there's a market for lots of Anime forums, then I have no problem with there being loads of them.

    *Are* they all the same? I mean there are loads of automotive forums and many of those are much the same.
  3. Kakeru

    Kakeru Addict

    Jun 28, 2009
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    You have the traditional simple ones (generally aren't active unless it's from before 2003), ones based on info and features, and downloads/streaming/illegal content. So I guess they aren't all the same, but neither is anime. There's countless series that aren't all about girls and characters with big eyes. It's just the pop ones that are generally like that.

    One thing I should mention that I'll miss...the awesome trolls. Not the ones that flame or always cause trouble, but the ones where you can hardly tell if they're trolling or not.
  4. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    I own an anime forum, hell I am an anime freak.

    @Mark B.: No, not all anime is drawn like that, there are many styles in anime, Fate/Stay Night being one example of "elegant" and basically uptight as hell.

    I'd have to say that my anime forum is not like the others, no they're are not a lot of 4chan fags on there, I am a man, I am not a script kiddie forum admin, and hell if I care about downloads.

    =\ I'd hate to say it but a lot of anime forums look like shit, low quality images, shitty design. Prime example Vidberry | Watch & Download Anime and Manga Forum
  5. tryfuhl

    tryfuhl Champion

    Jun 27, 2009
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    what I thought that you were a chick lol

    anyways the forum has an anime subforum but I generally stay the hell out lol
  6. Kakeru

    Kakeru Addict

    Jun 28, 2009
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    I'm curious FMB, what would be some examples of anime forums you think are good and why?

    It's odd...I run an anime forum. While it's not very active, it's a success because it serves what it was meant for very well.
  7. Vanilla Ice

    Vanilla Ice Newcomer

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I find it better then cartoon, but I don't like the crazy drawed people as Mark.B told and there's a lot of them (On almost every forum mostly for people under the 25 they had a conversation about Anime or what comes close to it).
  8. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    They look like pedophile training sites. Some of the "anime" are drawn so they look like underage girls that show too much skin.

    Its not "normal" for teenage boys to watch cartoons of young girls. There comes a point in life where you have to move past the teen age girl stage and start looking at real women. But when its been established that its normal to look at young girls, that creates a problem.

    When boys reach puberty, they should be taught that grown women should be the target of their desires. Not cartoons that look like pre-puberty girls.

    You forgot to mention the 4chan users that post - "can it be CP time?" And if you not know what CP is, dont ask.

    It seems that some of the people that go to anime sites, and 4chan are screwed up in the head.

    The whole thing has gotten out of hand and I often wonder "Why" the FBI has not shut sites like that down.

    If you have ever heard of "dark" places on the internet. Places that normal people do not want to go. Well, those are the anime sites. Its a way for pedophiles to get around CP laws. Instead of taking pictures of real girls, they use animation and drawings.
  9. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Rofl! I was saying it 'cause of Kakeru's first post! I am a chick :| in all seriousness

    Each anime forum is ran for different reason. Example, OtakuCenter - Forum is to watch anime/discuss
    Naruto Forums - Powered by vBulletin is Naruto fansite with some other anime involved and also revolves around anime discussion and download.

    At least in mine, I'll have Anime reviews, Anime episodes, Anime discussions, "Anime suggestion box" for the users who'd like to watch a new series, also I've noticed a lot of anime people like to play video games, so we'll have some of that. At least in Pisoga the most popular things besides anime is graphics and games.

    I just think an anime site doesn't have to STICK with anime and also explore the ventures of other users without having the stupidity of 4chaners. I go to 4chan and browse around and look at some of the stuff there, specially in /b/, doesn't mean I act as stupid as most of them do.
  10. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    I feel offended, Desu~

    What is normal, first of all? Normality consists on different points of view since not everyone is a brainwashed zombie. I am normal to an extent and hell do I love anime.
    I go to college, I party almost every friday, when I go shopping I stay in the mall for hours, <.< going to the movies to see Harry Potter <3333 I go to the beach and pool on a daily basis, I just take my laptop and browse around the net, I go take pictures like the camera whore I am, but at the end of the night or early in the day, when my anime has finished downloading, I become the anime lover, the one in those "dark places" you say.We have users that are 23yr olds, 25yr olds and 27yr olds, and let me tell you, the 25yr old and the 27yr old are awesome people. The 23yr old is a pedophile[Only cause we(Pisoga) says so], but he went for the REAL lolis, not the Anime lolis.

    Anywho, the guys who are 25 and 27 are respectable users tbh, and a lot of those that are in other sites as well. Some are fathers and I've seen their kids and talked through webcams/voice call. Reality check~ We have as much fun as we do. I love Pedo bear and hilariousness behind it, I love to be perverted on my site to some extent. In the end, we've created a family, the users even say it themselves that they are/feel Pisoga is their second family.

    I lol'ed.

    Mhm, anime sites and 4chan sites only?

    I guess you're one of those people who make the equation Anime=porn

    Not to mention, so you'd want pedophiles to look at REAL girls rather than saving the real girls? I'd prefer a pedo looking at anime than looking at me ANY DAY.
  11. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Using children (real or computer generated) as sexual objects is NOT normal.

    Graphics that depict having sex with underaged children is NOT normal.

    Using computer generated material to get around CP laws is NOT normal.

    I dont care if your offended.

    Anime sets kids of a path that some do not depart from. We (as a society), should not be teaching our kids that underage girls are "sexy". Grown women are sexy, not computer generated, flat chested 12 year old girls.

    "anime" is one thing, but when it starts getting "sexy" - that is were it crosses the line.
  12. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Rofl, because all anime=porn, no? ^______^

    Again, all anime=porn, no? ^___^

    Rofl! All anime=PORN! : D

    It was sarcasm, then again a person like you wouldn't have a sense of humor.

    Rofl, So that's what Yu-gi-oh, Digimon, Zatch Bell,Mega Man, Astro Boy, Pokémon, Dragon Ball Saga between others is about? Coolio, I wonder why they let it on CN and Fox kids instead of Adult Swim. ^________^

    No... but you said all anime=porn, or atleast tried to say. ^___________^
  13. Kakeru

    Kakeru Addict

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Kevin seems to be only familiar with a few genres of Japanese animation and not the whole. Completely ignoring science fiction, fantasy, shounen, shojo, life, drama, abstract, romance, etc.

    Also, even if something isn't normal, it doesn't make it wrong. Just because someone finds something different or disgusting, it doesn't mean you should shun them. I guess learning about people comes with time...

    Hentai that features younger characters isn't something that can exist in real life, so it's pretty random, off topic, and silly to even mention real human pornography of any kind.

    The members at Naruto Forums/Naruto Fan are pretty cruel...lots of spam.

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