Advertisement spots on Design247

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by tech, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Design247 is now offering Advertisement spots throughout the site.

    Here are the pricing, packages and info.

    Advertising Locations
    1) Below Twitter Feed - Site Index viewable on page load
    2) Below "Who We Are" - Site Index (your ad will replace the google ad)
    3) Sidebar - Site Index
    4) Footer - Site Wide
    5) Each invidiual page at the bottom
    6) Blog - Site wide within the blog

    1) $20/month
    2) $15/month
    3) $15/month
    4) $25/month
    5) $10/month per page
    6) $10/month

    To Purchase

    To puchase advertising please contact us via the contact form including your suitable ad banners, We will then setup a paypal subscription (unless you want 1month), Once we have confirmed payment we will add your banners to the page(s) you requested.


    Post below/PM me

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