Advertise Hotspot - Advertisement In Your Hands! 40,000 POSTS!

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Joel, Sep 7, 2010.

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  1. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    Our History
    The forum Advertise Hotspot was created on December 2009. It was only officially used on January 15 2010. Believe it or not, we only used it after about 1 month! The name "Advertise" represents advertising forums, websites, etc. And the "Hotspot" represents that we are hot! A place that everyone should and must visit!

    Why Us
    "A promise is a cloud. Fulfillment is the rain." At Advertise Hotspot, your dreams will be fulfilled! We don't just talk the talk, but we also walk the walk. We are who we are. We will promise the best and only that. If something is not up to your standard, don't just sit there! Let the admins know! We will try out very best to make our forum a friendly one, making your stay at Advertise Hotspot unforgettable!

    What Do We Offer
    We offer almost anything! If we don't, do suggest it so we'll meet your needs! You can advertise anything at Advertise Hotspot as long as it doesn't break our guidelines prepared and stickied and our forum rules too. Anything from forums, websites, blogs and even your social networking sites! You can also request for our 6 awesome services! Not enough? We provide forum support too! So the question is what don't we offer?

    It's time you join Advertise Hotspot - Advertisement In Your Hands - Portal! If you have not, you're missing far too much goodies! See you there!

    Our users have posted a total of 40908 messages
    We have 429 registered users
    The newest registered user is TransAMGrafx_Com

  2. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    Great news! We have got 2 new forums for all of you to post at! awww.adminaddict.net_data_MetaMirrorCache_ff059d956e560720736f5ef86bebf1ba.gif We really think that it will help you in many ways, so start the chatter! The two new forums are placed in a new category, "Forum Management". As you can see, we have 4 forums located in the "Forum Management" category. 2 of the forums we had before, Members Point Of View and Administration Corner, have been moved to the new category also!

    To kick start the 2 new forums we have just added, all topics and posts there will now earn you 8BPs and 4BPs respectively! That's TWO TIMES the boiling points you earn in all the other forums at AH! Note that this offer will be up for only 3 days!

    We also would like to let you know in advance, that the "Administration Corner" will be newly named as the "Forum Support" area. All changes will be made very soon. But as of now, our moderators will be moving some topics to their correct places, before we change the name.

    Enjoy! awww.adminaddict.net_data_MetaMirrorCache_ff059d956e560720736f5ef86bebf1ba.gif
  3. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    This sounds like yet another forum created just to make money.

    And that's the reason forum communities are dying out. they used to exist for the mutual benefit of the members. now, it's just about how many ad clicks you can get people to make. And the internet public at large get rather sick of it.
  4. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    Our users have posted a total of 49018 messages
    We have 492 registered users
    The newest registered user is Agent24
  5. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    You are a spammer! Go away.
  6. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    I'm no spammer. Just to let you know, i have gained nothing (in money) when i created AH. Only spent and lost time.

    Enjoy the free services! 8)
    Advertise Hotspot - Advertisement In Your Hands - Portal
  7. Joel

    Joel Regular Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    The repetitive nature of this thread's content constitutes borderline-spam. As such, I'm going to close it to prevent continued repetition. Please do not create a similar thread.

    2 people like this.
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