Comments on Profile Post by cpvr

  1. Brandon
    we will, not in a big hurry because that stuff cost
    this site will only grow, it's not going anywhere anytime soon ;)
    Nov 1, 2011
  2. cpvr
    Ya, do you plan to launch an advertising campaign? You should try to get some space on Forum promotion - lots of administrators there.
    Nov 4, 2011
  3. Brandon
    the quick way takes money
    the smart way takes a little money and a little time
    the cheap way takes a long long time

    we're going about this the smart way ;)
    I just got confirmation that our 9 photoshop tutorials are done, that'll help create some buzz. I'll be sending out a nice newsletter soon, hoping to get the plugin for the forum setup next week. (mailchimp:

    I'm always advertising ;)
    Nov 4, 2011
  4. cpvr
    That's good. Glad to see some new tutorials. Are you submitting them on Good-tutorials as well?
    Nov 4, 2011
  5. Brandon
    yup, I have about 20 sites that I've had accounts on for years and have submitted tutorials in the past with. good-tutorials is one. :)
    Nov 4, 2011
  6. cpvr
    Oh, that's nice. We also need more tutorials for forum growing and things like that. I may be able to write one or something.
    Nov 4, 2011