Vbulletins statements to The Register

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by hotwheels, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Why is vbulletin lying to people? They are banning people hand over fist and suspending licenses. My license has been suspended and i still have almost a year left on my paid renewal. This article isn't telling the entire truth: vBulletin denies busting downloads in paid-up protester ban ? The Register

    I for one wish someone within internet brands would look and see how many people Steve Machol has banned and how many licenses he suspended. It is one thing to ban a person from a website, but it is completely different when you suspend a paid license in the process. Steve Machol doesn't have to like me, but i am a paid customer and should be allowed to continue to receive what i paid for with my renewal. Internet Brands has denied my refund requests, and i am not sure why, but they have. So now not only did they keep my money, ban me and susspend my license, they are telling the press that they are the victim and the unhappy customers aren't telling the truth. Well please prove me wrong here.
  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Its a form of thought control. By sacrificing a few lambs, the people at jelsoft/vbulletin hope to inject fear into the whole herd.

    I see no reason to revoke a persons paid license because of something they posted in the forum. Ban them from the forum - yes, take away their forum they worked so hard to develop - no.

    That would be like someone from ford walking into driveway and taking your car/truck away because of something you posted in a forum. We would not tolerate our truck or car being taken away, forum software should be no different.


    People getting banned from vbulletin and losing their license is why I do not post my opinion over there.

    Your opinion and your license is 2 separate issues. One is what you post, and one is your internet business. But for the sake of herd control, I think the people at jelsoft/internet brands/vbulletin are trying to link the 2.
  3. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Well said kevin.

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