vbsmiley.com (W.I.P)

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Shelley, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Over the past 2-3 days we (me and michael biddle) been working on a new site (dedicated emoticon forum) As you can see it's still a work in progress and there's still icons and images that need replacing as well as content needing added and the structure put in place.

    I'm open to any kind of critique/suggestions to build upon and hopefully finish it within a few days (probably be more like a week). I wasn't sure whether to post in here because it's not really completed, if this doesn't belong here by all means remove it or place it in a more appropriate area.

    Hmmm, The styles pink before you click. (it might not go down well with alot of you) but that's the colour I picked. I've currently turned registrations off so if you feel you need to critique will more access I'll create a dummy account for any reviewing purposes. :p

    The only icons not designed by me are the 3 icons on forumhome which came with the script so i left them as is because they seemed to fit the style.

    Here's the link vbsmiley.com and thanks for any input you have.
  2. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Shelley Your site(s) are always awesome. Seriously, there really isn't anything I don't like about that site. I even like the colors. The notices. The quotes. THE SMILIES!

    Edit-- There is actually something I don't like! And you will probably agree lol

    The gray box around the gray folder (navbits_start) on the green. Then the default blue one when you go into a thread.
  3. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Thanks for the comments kev. Yeah, the default stuff you see haven't been replaced yet. I'll be replacing everything default and other redundant icons that don't have a place on this style. Hopefully, I'll have the index page complete today and start on the other graphics maybe tomorrow. :)
  4. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Yeah, I figured the default stuff was on it's way out ;)
  5. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    Why are your websites always so attractive? :P
  6. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    D: Ok, I do not know about you guys, but this is one of the first times in which the combination of pink and gray actually looks good. Not too bright not too light. I have to say that the site is looking awesome, you're smileys are all over the site <3 It's fun to be there! I can't wait till it's done. I love the theme, for exceptions of a few icons, the theme is awesome, specially where it says 'Threads: |Post: ' I've never seen that to be honest.I also love the favicon and the message that says to join, etc, I like the graphic there! Since you're still developing the forum I can't say much, but from what I see so far, it's awesome. Can't wait till it opens. When you're done I can review as a whole if you want.
  7. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    Your sites are beautiful :O
  8. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    May 25, 2009
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    Lookin' good Shelley! :D

    The color scheme works beautifully...it's light and just seems right for the emoticon theme :thumbup:
  9. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    I am usually not one for gray, but I think it balances out the pink nicely. :)
  10. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Now Shelley, you had to have known I was going to love this, darn you! :)

    The design is GORGEOUS and the site is sure to be on my 'most frequently visited" list.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Hehe, Shelley, I've been waiting to see this new project of yours and I LOVE it! Great job! :thumbup:

    It's not too bright, not too boring - just right. I don't think there is anything to critique here.
    I like the variety of custom images (well, smileys) used all over. It certainly doesn't fall into the "looks like every other vBulletin forum" category.

    I look forward to seeing this project develop. :)
  12. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    May 23, 2009
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    First Name:
    I've got a hankering for pink grapefruit now.
  13. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    a hankering? I haven't heard that word since my grandma passed away a couple of years ago, lol.

    Except in the south we say hankerin' ;)
  14. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    Jun 7, 2009
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    First Name:
    I really REALLY love the way this forum is looking. So very nice. I want this kind of look and feel for my Mom Board. Because I so want to join now and its closed. :( I just can't seem to find any free templates that have that feel or look. I would create one of my own but not exactly sure how to do the whole XML thing with installing a new template as well for it to be up to date with the newest version of Vbulletin. :(

    ETA:: A big enthusiastic 2 thumbs up for your site! Can't wait to join!
  15. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Thanks for the comments everyone. To be honest, I'm not a styler I quite loathe styling and honestly thought this would have got (well not a bad reception) but a it's okay kind of deal.

    I still want to do something with the postbit_legacy, not sure what yet but something different. Most of the forums are really for styling purposes only and the proper forums still need to be added so the structuring is still to be decided so if anyone has suggestions it would be warmly welcome and appreciated.

    Registrations will remain closed for the time being while I'm still styling, but once I add some content, design the button set, create new emoticons amongst other titbits the forum will be open for registration.

    With it being called vbsmiley. the content and services provided will be for all bulletin boards not limited to just vbulletin. :)
  16. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    New York
    Site looks great, enough said.

    I didn't think I'd like the color combination but you pulled it off quite fantastically!
  17. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    That's the forum style complete with a few minor final touches. If I could get a full indepth review that would be appreciated.

    Registrations are still closed so if you would like an account created FMB feel free to send a pm and I'll pass you on the credentials to login. ;)

    And many thanks for the upcoming review.
  18. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I don't see the full review, but the prefix has been changed. I'll change it back to the pending state, so that you can get the in-depth review.

    If it's not done in a couple of days, let me know. I always need reminders for follow-ups. ;)
  19. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Thanks nick and no worries on the time it takes I'm patient. Whenever FMB is ready and when time permits is fine with me. She now has an account on my site so she is able to view all the areas to give a more in-depth critique. ;)
  20. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    First Impression: Pink…. I love!

    Forum Content
    Quantity of Forums: Simple, not many. Though if I can ask, why is the complimentary smiley pack apart from the ‘The Smiley Place’ forum? I would guess it would be for users to find what they need easily, without the need of sub forums, no?

    Content: The site is not yet populated, but just starting with that handy guide on how to add smileys to a vB forum it’s already giving impression that you’re there to help the users and to have fun with what you love to do. The site is about smileys, and yes it is filled with smileys! Also I’d like to comment on the functionality of making a new thread right from index, though very useful, some people might use it before actually searching the forum, regardless of having the search icon RIGHT besides it.

    Forum Design
    Favicon: The Favicon itself makes you smile, lol. It’s good, png?

    On, Off, Icons: All the icons are customized and go really well with the forum. The on, off, locked, etc icons really give it that hint of color along with the logo.

    Edit: To add the icons on the index besides the on, off, lock icons I think it brings a lot of 'personality' to the forum.

    Design: This has to be one of the best forum designs I’ve ever seen. Rocking and working the pink, which most would find sort of hard, but I love the combination in this site. Not only that, but it’s customized to no end, though there are some images that need ‘work’.

    Please refer to the screenshot below when you read this. [I’ve enlarged the pictures so you could have a better view]

    I noticed that in the index some of the icons that are animated have that white matte, it’s barely noticeable, but it would be nice for those to match the rest [screenshots 1 & 2]

    As for the logo [screenshot 3] orange part of the yellow to orange gradient in the word smiley and the actual smileys, Mr. and Mrs. Tickles if I am not wrong, contrasts a little too much with the pink background behind them; not much letter wise, but in the smileys it looks sort of weird. Other than that, the logo is cute, especially with the sleeping smiley with the balloons which is extremely adorable.

    I was browsing around as saw the editor [screenshot 4] I find it VERY unique and appealing, I simply love it. I saw some default in the post icon area [only two] I barely noticed anyways. Also, some of your smileys have white matte when your background in the posts is gray.




    The gray and the pink of the forum actually look great, I’m sure many people are not fans of the pink color, but it brings a really cheery mood, which is basically what smileys are, some of them anyways. I also really like the round corners, most of the sites that have round corners are not fluid, but this one works well, very impressive.

    I love the username format, awesome to see something that’s not default or ‘normal’ the icons besides the names fits the theme of the site. The board stats have to be one of my favorite aspect of the forum, specially the legend.

    Usually in a vB forum a person sees the nav bar [which I love that’s a different color which actually fits, doesn’t make it look ‘bad’ which usually happens when someone tries to incorporate other colors], and the welcome block together, but I very much prefer it set up this way; I like that you can change your mood right from the welcome block, not to mention that the images look very good and don’t have matte, not that I’ve seen yet.
    I also love the buttons ‘Send PM, Home, Email, Post Reply and so on’ they give continuity to the green found in the nav bar.

    The design seems to be very user friendly, even as a guest, just by seeing the smiley image saying register now makes you want to join. The design is set through the whole forum constantly, even in the user CP!

    Overall Impression: The site is beautifully designed and it conveys what it is for. Throughout the whole forum you see smileys, very well designed. It really shows you put dedication to the forum design and you took your time to complete it. For exceptions of a few things [pointed out in the screenshots] in my opinion this is one of the most well designed forums I’ve come across. I’, sure those smileys will give a lot of people a lot to talk about.

    Thank you for reading.
    2 people like this.

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