Shawn Hogan interview with GTB Forums

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by GTB, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    What a surprise. Exactly as I predicted, the interview is lost because of GTB's mad rush to delete things.

    Waste of time Shawn ever bothering with that interview. How utterly disrespectful.
  2. CoolMan

    CoolMan Regular Member

    Dec 23, 2010
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    First Name:
    Can you repost it?
    Do you have a email copy or something like that with Shawn?
  3. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    The interview has been posted back again, thanks to Google cache - linked to again in the first post of this thread.

    [quote name=Mark.B]Waste of time Shawn ever bothering with that interview. How utterly disrespectful. [/quote]

    How was it being "utterly disrespectful", when it was an accident? Also, the article is back posted on my new forum so your comment is now completely mute.
  4. Mikey


    Sep 12, 2009
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    United Kingdom
    Can't you just post it here? I would've liked to read it.
  5. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I wasn't aware the URL was broke again. I moved the thread onto another forum better suited for it, but that broke the URL (moving the thread). It's now fixed in the first posts again, thanks for the heads up on that. :)
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    You're aware that ProBoards Version 5 is currently being public Beta tested and not far from upgrading all forums on their service? It's nothing at all like version 4, and even I thought it might just be a small feature upgrade but it's not. There's a massive difference between the two after joining that beta test forum yesterday and having a close look at what it offers new. It's actually quite similar to XenForo how it does things.

    Full Wy Editor/ or Basic Editor switching (big plus that one)
    Like System
    Much improved uploading system, avatar uploading there now also. As well as a built in system to create your own custom avatar.
    Proper Chatbox intergrated by default
    Much better "email subscription" system for various things (like XenForo), and not just on Thread Replies and PM's.

    The list goes on and it's pretty slick how it does many things using jQuery like XF. There's really no comparison between V4 and V5. And if anything, just like how XenForo does things much slicker than vB4 - ProBoards 5 makes vB4 look somewhat in the nineties.

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  7. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Looks too much like phpBB.

    Besides I wouldn't touch a hosted forum solution with a bargepole. I want my data on my servers.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Thought you ran a football forum on one?

    Not bothered about the whole "database data" thing, I'll never run a big forum anyway to make me regret not owning the database on my own rented server. So couldn't care less about that anymore. The only downside, I have no choice if ads get displayed or not. Although you can pay to have them removed (but only for so many page impressions), then back again with you having to pay to remove them once more. So pointless!

    That's the only thing for me, I'd sooner keep it ads free. But you can't have everything and that's where they make money out offering you a good free forum service. Let be honest, most forums are not busy enough to worry about not owning the database. Most are worth next to nothing unless being a very busy big board used by hundreds daily. That's never going to happen for me, so what do I care about the database? A forum is only worth a lot of money if it's very active all the time.

    Plus factors - I don't have to worry about the forum breaking due to server incompatibly like before with MyBB (two years work I spent on it down the drain) due to server making changes, and the issues I had with XenForo as well. I don't have to do anything now bar run the forum, and it's costing me nowt doing so. That suits me fine, and know it will run perfect with them using their own forum software designed for their servers. And if the forum stays dead like now, it matters not to me because it's costing me nothing. I can leave it running dead for 20 years and never feel like taking it down anymore, not like before because it was costing me to run a dead forum which I wasn't prepared to keep doing throwing money down the drain.

    I laugh now, because when looking at others running dead forums and paying to do it. I know the decision took to sell all my forum licences and go free now instead was the right move.

    Looks nothing at all like phpBB, LOL!. And feature wise I'd say it matches XenForo, if anything it's more like XenForo in a lot of ways than anything else. I'm looking forward to using it and will change the theme to look better at the time.
  9. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Eh? I'm a member of one. i don't run it. I run only one forum.

    Besides all of that I don't want changes and upgrades done at the behest of some third party, I don't want changes made that members won't like, I don't want to lose ability to style things....ugh, the whole thing would be unworkable and if I had to use such a solution I'd close up and go home.

    It suits some people, generally those who are less serious about their sites. It doesn't and wouldn't ever suit me or my site.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    The difference is Mark, you ARE a forum GEEK. I'm not, not the way you are. And all you say "would make you close a forum", doesn't bother me. So what you said on the last line of your reply matches me today. Just having one there costing me nothing to run, knowing if unused it doesn't matter. Well, that's good enough for me these days and I can be much more patient now. Because that's usually the scenario with most forums anyway (most I visit anyhow). It's that simple, I just won't pay to run a dead to "hardly used" forum anymore. Been doing that for 10+ years and things are worse for forums today - than back then. So made the decision, sod it I'm going free for a change. But using a quality free forum service though.

    Something worth noting also. ProBoards is geared towards running big boards you know, so should the impossible happen and my forum became a sudden monster hit, no problem it can handle it. I wouldn't have to go looking around for a much more expensive VPS or Dedicated host to run my forum on later. Just like this forum proves running on ProBoards.

    And this is what ProBoards have to say themselves.

    Need I say more? You just can't knock that! :)
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Neither would I. but then, mine isn't dead. Unlike yours, which has no posts and no members. But that's because you close it every week or so. Must be due another one any time now, what will it be next? That other free one you said was wonderful and then shut down? I forget its name now. I'd look through your old posts about it, but of course I can't because you deleted them.

    THAT is why your forums are always dead GTB. You delete everything people post and then you delete the whole forum. Which is fine, if you want to mess about having a laugh and not be taken seriously, nothing wrong with that. But then you brand everyone else's sites failures and make up lies about them, and those people DO take their forums seriously.
    2 people like this.
  12. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Ha! If you want to start throwing muck around now. OK, lets play shall we!

    You only have 3-5 members online at most, and some of them are doggy at best (fake users) you use making up the small numbers. I'd hardly call that worth paying for expensive VPS hosting each month (and it's 10 years old, is that it for your forum after all that time)? Your forum is a typical example of what I mean, why I went free and laugh at people like you paying to run "effectively" a dead forum each month talking to yourself on it. And so what, big deal. I tried a few free forum services first before sussing out the best of the bunch - ProBoards for sticking with. There's nothing wrong in trying a few first to find out which is the best, rather than regretting not doing so later.

    Yeah! I tried a few others, so glad I did.... it's a common sense thing to do. But then you really wouldn't know about "common sense", seeing as you're paying good money on VPS hosting each month to run more or less a dead forum (after 10 years) still. Some would call that insane! :)

    And if your forum is so active, why keep copying "news feeds" from the BBC website for talking about each day? Is it because nobody is posting out else for talking about maybe? Oh Yeah! your forum is really buzzing Mark, buzzing with BBC News feeds each day (how original). :lol:
  13. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Like I said:

    " But then you brand everyone else's sites failures and make up lies about them"

    QED. :rolleyes:
  14. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Hey "Lord Mark", I found this about you.

    Here goes your credibility out the window. :giggle:

  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    LOL well done for finding that old jealous rant. There were loads like that back in the day. That must date from about 2002 I think.

    Some people's jealousy knows no bounds.

    You do realise most of that stuff was tongue in cheek don't you? It's just what went on back then.
  16. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    Well yeah! It reads that way doesn't it. Na! :unhunh:
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    You really make me laugh. Why do think people are always jealous of you, off what exactly?

    Don't tell me jealous of your fake BC Forums. :rolleyes:

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