Portal software!?!

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by torque, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Hey Everyone...
    I did not know where to put this topic and know Nick or fellow admins will move it to the correct place (my apologies in advance for any moving you have to do).

    I am starting a new project... I do not want to go into too much details until steps into the set up has been made however realise you do need some information to respond to this topic so just quickly it is a website about mystery.

    From mysterious crimes, deaths etc to the mystery of the Paranormal - Ghosts/ UFO's etc.

    The website is being created with vBulletin (my favorite forum software) and once some issues are sorted out we have a fantastic graphics designer willing to jump on board and help it out a little.

    What I am wondering is for this type of website would you expect to see a portal system (vbAdvanced) utilized? And how would you utilize it?

    I am not here to poach ideas it is just most of the mystery stuff are from the past... and so it is not like we are having latest news etc... however in saying that in the "paranormal" section we will be allowing members to upload images they believe contain paranormal happenings and others can comment - and I know this could be utilized on the portal front page.

    I am just wondering whether it would be worth it or whether just to have the website address point directly to the forums?
  2. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Jul 16, 2009
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    First Name:
    Eeeerm. Firstly, brilliant idea. Sounds great so far.

    I'd consider using vBadvanced on any forum new (I have never used it but always wanted to, I'm sure the next forum I will). At the very least you can have the latest posts etc on the homepage. And I'm sure you (or the members) can make some interesting articles, and those can be posted onto the homepage perhaps. If you get the blogs, I think those can too. Then there are the Polls etc, and you have a good chance to keep static content on there, such as a newsletter sign-up form (like on AA here) and an area you can write and invite with, to encourage registration etc.

    So I'm sure you'll find enough content for it. I'd go for it and perhaps if you think you'll want to revert to just the forums, install the forum in the base directory so without VBA you have a forum on the domain root. And then install vBA by changing your index.php file to something like home.php, and then use the index.php for the vBA homepage. Then if you revert, it's okay.

    (Like I say, I've not used it, but I'm sure all the above is possible). All the best. I wish you luck.
  3. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Yeah thanks sometimes when I start work on a project I see a square and it is others input that see's those walls get broken down. I can now see that vbAdvanced would be great for the site.
  4. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Currently I recommend wordpress for portals. It has some great built in SEO features, its lightweight, easy to use and has tons of plugins.
  5. David

    David Regular Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Wordpress as well, however if you want a simple out of the box ready to go right now solution, then vBAdvanced is your best bet.

    If you want something a little more unique, and have some more time to invest in to it, I highly, highly suggest Wordpress.
  6. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    The more I use it, the more I like WordPress. Very easy to use and extend; you can do all sorts of nifty things with it.
  7. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
    Ok thanks I am going to look into it all and start designing it - I have the domain name, the hosting, the vb license etc all organised!

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