[OS] What platform are you using?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Dan Hutter, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Jul 20, 2006
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    New York
    What OS are you guys running? I always like to hear other people's experiences and why they choose to use what they use. Currently my main OS is Windows 7 64 bit, I'm really impressed with it, I do my daily surfing and email checking on it but due to the fact that it's an RC and security therefore isn't guaranteed as it is with the current stable version (Vista) I keep all server backups and other people's personal information on my Linux partition.

    Currently between 3 computers I'm running:

    • Windows 7 RC 1
    • OS X Leopard 10.5.7
    • Ubuntu 9.10 (Jaunty Jackalope)
    I'm a fairly platform agnostic kind of guy as long as I can get a browser, text editor with context highlighting, a basic photo editor, and a multi-protocol IM client I'm pretty much set.

    Here's my thoughts on each:

    Windows 7: This is what Vista should have been. I never had much trouble with Vista myself but I don't think it was much of an improvement over XP all we got from an end user's prospective is glassified windows and annoying UAC prompts. More technical minded people will realize that Vista security features were leaps and bounds over XP which I for one was grateful for. The new task bar I'm not too sure of it's a mix between the original task bar and the OS X dock..It's going to take a bit of getting used to.

    Ubuntu: For the most part and for me it just works. I'm unhappy that Firefox connects to pages noticeably slower than FF under windows on the same computer.. Nobody seems to have this problem but me although it happens on all my computers that run Ubuntu. The best thing about Ubuntu is everything I need is included with the default install where was with Windows or OS X, I need to download additional stuff.

    OS X:
    Love the UI, cannot say I have any complaints about it other than the hardware tax being so high just to get OS X

    What OS do you use and why? Is it something you've given any thought to or do you just use it because its' what's available?
  2. The Cadet

    The Cadet Adept

    Jun 2, 2009
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    I am a dedicated mac user. I really love the smooth interface and the way it works with the dock. It all meshes together very nicely. It moves like a charm too. The lack of third-party support hurts, but I never buy software so I don't care. I use it for the internet. And there's always the occasional open source video game out there or cider port of a great game. I've been playing a lot of spore recently. Game is ballin'.

    I have a somewhat biased opinion of Windows because one went up in flames, one got viruses without ever going online or taking CDs from untrustworthy sources, and the other died from bad software. However, I still like Mac better
  3. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Main machine (bought October 2008), Windows Vista Home Premium SP2
    Laptop (bought October 2008), Windows Vista Home Premium SP2
    Secondary machine, Windows XP Professional SP3
    Old machine that serves no useful purpose: Windows 2000
    Test machine: Whatever the latest version of Ubuntu is.

    All linked up on a home network even though they are all normally in the same room.

    Yes, behold the geek within me.
  4. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Media Server - Windows Home Server with 1 terabyte of storage.
    My Computer - Windows 7 RC (64-bit). Also has Vista installed but I haven't used it since January.
    My Wife's Computer - Vista Premium (64-bit).
    Kids Computers Mark I and Mark II - Windows XP SP3.
    Son's Laptop - Windows XP SP3.

    My daughter will be getting laptop in the next couple of months because its required for the High School she is going to. So it will most likely be running Vista Premium (64-bit).

    I really like Windows 7 and didn't take long to get to the task bar because I never close application anymore. I pretty much just keep them running. Right now I have 71 processes running including IIS 7 (with FTP and SMTP) and Mysql 5.1 in the background. I do not experience any slow downs and if I run a game I know I will still get 80-90 FPS which is good since my video card is 3 years old and the computer itself is starting to push two years. I also get better perfomance than my wife does on her computer. My computer is a Dual-Core AMD 5000+. Her's is a Tri-Core Athlon Phenom. She has twice as much RAM as I do as well. But her computer is a year newer. I can't wait until January when I upgrade her to Windows 7 as her computer will scream then.

    Our wired network consists of a router/switch with 1 gigabits per second ethernet. Our wireless network is still 802.11-G but will probably upgrade it when we upgrade the DVR as it will need an internet connection at that time. That is the downstairs including my computer, my wife's computer and the server.

    Currently the wireless access point supports the kid's computers upstairs as well as my son's laptop, 3 Nintendo DS units and a Wii. When I purchase my daughter's laptop than I will take Mark II and probably run some sort of linux on it but probably won't have much use for it. Also looking to get either a netbook or laptop for my own use. The Blackberry is okay in a pinch but I want something with a little more oomph for traveling. Right now, I am leaning towards a HP Mini with built-in wireless. We'll see though.

    All of my computers at the moment except the kid's computers are HP.
  5. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Where did you buy it? A local computer shop? If so, then this is probably the source. They don't always make sure they aren't infected and don't always use legitimate copies of Windows. I always try to buy directly from the Manufacturer or a retailer that I trust. Since Circuit City and PC Club both went out of business that means Newegg or the Manufacturer for me.
  6. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    Mac OS X 10.5.7 = iMac

    Mac OS X 10.5.7 = MacBook

    Gaming PC = Windows XP Professional

    Of course the Macs have Windows on there with Parallels.
  7. Tac

    Tac Newcomer

    Jun 6, 2009
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    Gaming PC Windows VIsta Home Premium

    MAC - MacBook
  8. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    Dec 23, 2007
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    Long Island, NY
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    I have a MacBook with OS X version 10.5.7. I'm a die-hard Mac fan.
  9. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    Central Ohio
    I have Windows Vista Home Premium on this PC. Also have Ubuntu installed through Wubi, but I've found that I don't use it very often. Often browse the internet from my iPod touch (1st gen) as well (iPhone OS 2.2.1).
  10. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Jul 20, 2006
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    New York
    That's some network Wayne! :) I've also become a HP fan. My second 'real' (internet capable) computer was a Compaq that lasted me for years under heavy use and when Windows was just plain to much for it to do anything other than play simple games on it, that Compaq ran Ubuntu great. That Compaq still runs XP and is my mother's computer, all she does it play simple games on it.. 8 years later it's still plugging along.

    Last year when I upgraded from my Compaq I bought an HP off the shelf at Wal-Mart, every one told me not to buy from Wal-Mart as even the big brands use crappier components when selling through wal-mart, I haven't had a problem yet. It's got an AMD dual core 4800+ or something like that and 3 GBs of RAM. It ran Vista fine from day one, I now have Windows 7 64 bit on it and it just plain screams.

    A month later I needed a laptop due to some health problems and I bought an Acer off the shelf at Wal-Mart, it's got an Intel Dual core 1.66 Ghz chip and 3 GB of RAM. It's a good computer but it's a little slow even with 64 Bit Win 7 on it. I don't think it's the processor holding up things it seems the bottle neck is the slow 5400 RPM HD.

    This past winter I bought a used Mac Mini with 2 GB of RAM and an Intel dual core processor. It's a really nice little machine, the eye candy in OS X just screams buy a bigger one of my big papa but again the slow laptop HD (5400 RPM) seems to slow things down considerably.
  11. The Cadet

    The Cadet Adept

    Jun 2, 2009
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    I didn't buy it. I got it from one of my friends (SNES, NES, and Sega roms and emulators, worked fine on his computer without any trouble).
  12. Adam

    Adam Regular Member

    Mar 17, 2008
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    USA - oursrc.com
    I've got so far:

    Laptop: Windows Vista Home Premium SP1
    Desktop: Windows XP Home Edition SP3

    MacBook Air: OS X Leopard 10.5.7
    iMac: OS X Leopard 10.5.7

    Custom Desktop: (currently being built) Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 (due to be a media center, wired up to 7.1 surround sound, projector, 90" projection screen)
  13. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    You'd get better performance with Windows 7 on that machine. Even in its RC state. You'd also get the benefits of easier media sharing and the updated Media Center software.
  14. Lynne

    Lynne Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Home Sweet Home!
    I've been using a Mac since my family got an Apple II was back when I was in high school. So, currently I am running OS 10.5.6 on my iMac. Hubby is running the same on his Mac Pro. The two boys do gaming, so they each have PCs. The oldest is running XP on his tower and Vista on his laptop. The youngest is running Vista on his tower. At our lake place, I have an old iMac running OS whatever from two years ago. I only get dial-up up there, so it doesn't matter what it runs since it's so darned slow!
  15. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Have you looked at Slingshot? Pre-paid Mobile Wireless.
  16. Lynne

    Lynne Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    Home Sweet Home!
    I'll look at that, but I'd guess we can't even get that. You can't even get cell phone access up there - OK, occassionally, if the sun and moon are aligned just so, you can go to the end of the dock and get reception!
  17. vB Style

    vB Style Newcomer

    Jun 8, 2009
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    Notebook: Windows Vista Ultimate
    Desktop: Windows 7 RC 7100
  18. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    All of my home computers are using Windows XP service pack 2. My wife has XP home, while my kids and I have XP Pro.
  19. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    Desktop: Vista Business SP1 64 bits :o
    Laptop: XP Home SP3 32 bits
  20. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Windows Vista Home Premium <3, gotta love Aero, I do!

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