New Photo Project - Need Opinions

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by Diesel, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2000
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    I've been "hired" by my fiancee's family to help them decorate their new summer condo down the Jersey shore. The people they bought it from left all of the decor there, and they hate it. Very tacky stuff, including a lot of bad sponge painted walls with ugly, cheesy paintings and pictures on the walls. It basically looks like someone went to one of those "art sales" that diners and cheap restaurants typically buy from.

    In any case, I'm trying to go with a "old-fashioned shore town" motif, and could use some input as to which photos and which versions to use. I don't want to give them 50 photos and tell them to choose a couple. I'd like to scale it down to a select few of the very best ones so I don't overwhelm them.

    I'm also going back to the area on the 26th, so I can re-shoot if something didn't come out right, or I can focus on something that worked to get more similar shots.

    Any comments/critiques are welcome. If you have a flickr account, feel free to leave photo notes or comments.
  2. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2000
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    i'd take the one of the church's roofline, but i'd definitely photoshop out the water tower in the background. and i wouldn't feel guilty or deceptive about doing it, either.

    i also like the flower closeup immediately after that one a lot.

    my third vote would go with the clock, and my fourth with the bicycle -- but if possible, i'd retake that one because i'm not wild about how the lines of the railing behind it jive with the lines of the bike.

    if you use the b&w ones, which i encourage, i would boost the contrast a bit more, so they look more like b&w-processed photos, and less like desaturated color shots.
  3. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    May 1, 2000
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    i like:

    summer stroll in bw (my fav!) how cute! :)
    at the far end of the boardwalk in bw
    boat in bw
    color photo of bicycle (i like the irridescent pink color)
  4. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    I like:
    Town Clock in BW (edit out power lines and possibly trees)
    Odd Justixiposition (I'm with MJ on editing out the water tower and maybe make it BW)
    Floral Arrangement (make it BW)
    Reminiscent of Icarus (make it BW)
    At the far end of the boardwalk in BW

    Maybe try to reshoot Old Fashioned in BW with a less busy background. Which, unfortunately, could be difficult if it's not their bike.

    As I'm sure you can tell, I'm a big fan (again, like MJ) of the BW stuff. I just think it's more classy.
  5. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    May 1, 2000
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    me too and maybe you can add some sepia tones? i like that.
  6. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    Agreed. I also like B&W with a splash of color. e.g. You could bring out the flowers behind the bike.
  7. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2000
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    oooh, yeah, play with that!
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Awesome...I love pics.

    Bustling Boardwalk in BW
    Floral arrangement in color (so you can see the detail and colors)
    Old fashioned bike in BW
    Marina in color
    Clock in Sepia or BW
    Icarus in Color
    Summer stroll in BW
    Mom and Dad Bayhead color
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