Moderators and User Insults

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by FullMetalBabe, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    For some time now I have been wondering how some of you guys deal with users/moderators who insult you out in public etc.

    Users who insult:
    I don't really pay mind and stuff, I hear insults about myself a lot because of members Ive banned. So much that in some anime sites instead of FullMetalBabe they call me FullMetalBitch, which I don't mind, but it's disrespectful, yet these kind of members STILL go on my site after they're unbanned, do not know for what purpose, but I think it's pretty idiotic. Not only that but they call me idiot/stupid/ moron what not, but when I show my work they want me to help THEM. It has me puzzled, but I don't take any actions against them 'cause I really don't mind unless is action against my staff, users or the site itself. Though going through thiseveryday has made me grown tired of it and I've been so close to just banning but that would categorize me as a 'bad admin' in their eyes. I find it funny that some members also take some time to bash me at the bad quality of videos on the site, when they know I have no access to the site. =\ If it was by me, that site wouldn't look like crap.

    Not too long ago, I had a moderator who LIVED to bash me in public. He's demoded now, but not for bashing me. He constantly told me that for the site I am just a 'code monkey', nothing else, that the only thing I was good for was making something pretty, etc. =\ This discouraged me from going on the site, many people were telling me to demod him because he was harrasing me, but wouldn't it be admin power abusing? Like 'Because you don't like me I demod you/ban you'.

    I kind of never knew how to deal with this.. I was PUSHED into being an administrator.
  2. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    Moderators who bash users on my site are punished or removed. Users who bash are punished or banned. That is the way my forum rolls.

    I had to remove 3 members of staff in 1 day because of them all bashing each other in a thread in view of the members.
  3. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    Gosh, I'm sorry you have to deal with such people. I wish I had good advice for you, but I haven't run into that situation yet. Maybe you should point out to them that if you were really such a bad person, you would have gotten rid of them from your forum long ago for bashing you. You don't go to their sites and bash them, do you?
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Wow, I'm sorry to hear that you have to suffer such verbal abuse, FMB.

    Honestly, this is something you shouldn't be putting up with one bit. Moderators who badmouth you certainly shouldn't be moderators. It isn't abusing your "power" to demote them. They are supposed to be helpful and encouraging - not undercutting and rude. Nobody wants to work in an environment where your employees or co-workers say rude things about you.

    As for the members, I am puzzled. They continue to come back to your forum yet still complain that it's "crappy" or whatever. I say just ignore their comments. It sounds like there are a lot of them, so I wouldn't ban them all. And if they are actively contributing to some areas of your site (when they're not bashing you) then I really wouldn't want to ban them.

    I'd send these rude members a mass PM. Tell them you're working on setting up the new site and you'd appreciate their patience. Let them know that their harassment may eventually get them banned and that you really do not appreciate their rude comments.
  5. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    The rude members do not contribute at all, they're just there visiting, yet they badmouth me and the site. Reason which I ignore. There is no way to understand these members. The moderator situation wasn't quickly dealt with, but he keeps coming on the site as a user bashing me. =\ And I really don't know what to do. These members are very influential and such, as I said on another thread, they have the power to convince people quickly.

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