I'm here

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Salve a tutti.
    Mi chiamo Angela e sono italiana. Faccio parte del gruppo di PSPAcademy e spero di continuare a seguire qui le lezioni che stavo facendo. Amo molto la grafica, la pittura e scirrivere racconti e poesie. Sono una insegnante specializzata nell'educazione dei bambini diversamente abili. Amo il mio lavoro e tutto quello che faccio.
    Spero di riuscire a seguire il forum vista la mia difficoltà con l'inglese.:b7ydance:

    Hello to all.
    My name is Angela and I am Italian. I am part of the group of PSPAcademy and I hope to continue to follow the lessons here I was doing. I love a lot of graphics, painting and writing stories and poems. I am a teacher specializing in education of children with disabilities. I love my job and everything I do.
    I hope to follow the forum in view of my difficulty with English.:b7ydance:
  2. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Apr 30, 2005
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    Welcome Angy! You are doing just fine with English! Glad you joined us.

  3. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Apr 30, 2005
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    Angy, Welcome to the forum. I hope the google translator works for you. It doesn't seem to be allowing me to do a pull down and let me type in Italian for you so I may have to go offsite to do mine.

    But as Carol said, you are doing fine. Only if we could do so well. Liz

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