Hello, everyone

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by moneymakingmom, May 30, 2011.

  1. moneymakingmom

    moneymakingmom Regular Member

    May 28, 2011
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    Hi everyone, I'm the moneymakingmom. As the name implies, I am a mom and I like making money. But, I'm not the typical soccer mom. I don't wear mom jeans. I don't hang out on mommy boards swapping mommy tips.

    And, I'm not the typical online bizopper. I don't do bux sites, cause I think they are all a scam. Though I am constantly hearing about someone who just made payout on those sites. I don't ever believe it. And, I won't get involved. I feel more at home around people who like talking about SEO and the various ways to communicate online including blogs and forums, rather than the typical BizOpp crowd.

    I've been online since 2004, but didn't really get serious about making money till this past year. And, though I have owned forums before, I feel more comfortable writing on my blogs. I have several ideas for upcoming forums and hope to get some feedback.

    My online work consists mostly of writing and blogs, and that's where I make most of my money. Though I've dabbled successfully in affiliate marketing, written several ebooks and even briefly worked as a short tasker.

    People say, "You can't make money at that." Not true. One month, I earned nearly $300, just being a short tasker. Most of the tasks were writing projects, writing reviews and articles, etc. When the writing projects ran out, I found something else to do.

    I've worked as a forum booster and that's a really fun job. I work really hard. And, I put a lot of research behind every post I make. If I don't have personal experience with a subject, I'm likely to spend half an hour reading other blogs to get informed on the topic before i open my mouth or put fingers to keyboard to 'speak'.

    What I do offline, influences how I make money online. For instance, if I'm on a diet and trying to lose weight, I'm more likely to write an article, start a blog or put up a hub or knol about best diet tips. When researching articles, I collect an insane amount of extra material that could never be used in one place. So, I like to recycle my research into evergreen material that makes money for me, long after I've moved onto new things. That's where the material for the extra blogs, knols and hubs come from.

    Right now, my most successful blogs are the ones bearing my username, plus a free movies blog and a girl games blog. I'd like to start individual forums for each one, cause I think it would give great interactivity to the sites. Hopefully, I can pick up useful tips here from others who have run successful forums.

    I'm sure I'll think of something else later. If so, I'll come back and do an edit.

    Thanks for the warm welcome to the forum and I hope to learn and share a lot here.

    Til then,
    Kaiser likes this.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Thanks for joining AdminBB moneymakingmom, its truly is a pleasure having you around and reading what you have to say. I love your interesting posts :) If you need anything just ask!
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  3. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Welcome to the community, how are you doing? :)
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  4. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Falmouth, Cornwall, UK
    First Name:
    Welcome to AdminBB, can I assume by your username that you are mum that makes lots and lots of money???
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  5. moneymakingmom

    moneymakingmom Regular Member

    May 28, 2011
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    Thanks for saying so. I really love your site. And, I've said that before. But, it's true or I wouldn't say it again. Hope to come back more often.


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