Google Summer of Code 2013 Participants Announced

Discussion in 'phpBB Discussions' started by News Bot, May 27, 2013.

  1. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    In April, we announced that phpBB would once again be participating in Google's Summer of Code. We received many outstanding proposals and were granted a generous number of students. Even with an increased number of students, we cannot accommodate every proposal. Our mentors carefully reviewed and ranked the proposals, selecting those which would benefit the phpBB community the most.

    The winners for GSoC 2013 are, in no particular order:
    • Documentation & KB System by YiQiang, Singapore
      YiQiang will be improving our documentation system and knowledge base. He will be improving the UI and user experience, making it easier for users to submit feedback as well as making it searchable.
      Mentor: Marshalrusty

    • Session Backend Abstraction by Andy Chase, United States
      Andy will be improving test coverage of our current session system and refactoring it to provide a proper storage interface. This will allow for the use of other storage mechanisms for sessions instead of only the main database.
      Mentor: bantu

    • Moving phpBB 3.1 to a Releasable State by Dhruv Goel, India
      Dhruv will be working to get phpBB 3.1 released. He will work on any bugs/features currently blocking the alpha release and will continue working on new tickets until it reaches beta. This will help push 3.1 to its final release date.
      Mentor: nickvergessen

    • phpBB API by Victor Nagy, Sweden
      Victor will be creating an API for phpBB that will allow other applications to more easily integrate with our software. An API will allow for the creation of mobile applications that do not require modifications to a site's board.
      Mentor: naderman

    • Authentication Plugin Refactoring and OAuth Authentication by Joseph Warner, United States
      Joseph will continue the work he started last year with our authentication plugins. He will improve the current system so that it becomes possible to integrate with third party authentication services. He plans to provide an OAuth plugin which would allow users to login from OAuth services such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
      Mentor: imkingdavid

    • Karma Extension by Jesse Feddema, Netherlands
      Jesse will be creating a karma extension for phpBB 3.1, which has typically received great interest. The plugin will serve as an example for the creation of new plugins and provide documentation about the extension system.
      Mentor: Marc

    If your proposal was not chosen, please accept our sincerest gratitude for your participation. Please do not feel discouraged to participate in the phpBB community regardless of GSoC as there are many opportunities to apply your skills.

    Thank you,

    The phpBB Team

    You may discuss this announcement in the discussion topic.

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