Elite Warriors Online

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by OneUpDave, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Forum URL: Elite Warriors Online Forums Index page

    Forum Name: Elite Warriors Online

    Launch Date: Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

    Posts/Threads/Members: Total posts 3470 | Total topics 423 | Total members 581

    Forum Software: phpBB 3.0.4

    Description: A community of close-knit, old-school gamers. With their focus on games such as Tribes 2, AtlanticaOnline, and WarRock, they aren't your traditional gaming community of 5 Counter-Strike "pubbies" (people who play public servers). The theme was custom-made by one of the other admins, and not too many modifications are being used (I don't think there are any).

    Right now, we're struggling to get the activity going on the forums. The average is around 10 new posts (not threads) a week. They had a huge downtime while switching website/forum software before I came on staff, and they haven't fully recovered all of their members from before. I believe they had some odd-thousand members and activity every hour on the old site, so I'm pushing to get the place some good advertisement, affiliation, and SEF.

    Other Info/Points of Interest: If you loved the Tribes series, check them out! They still play actively, and have an event every Friday Night. They also venture into RPGs/RTS, and even played WarRock and Combat Arms at one point.

    We're working on getting a new skin, so hopefully that'll be ready soon. Anything you guys think we should add, remove, or change, don't hesitate to post it. The only way for me to grow as an admin is to learn what I'm doing wrong. ;)

    I do know that the forum organization is.... a bit "off". I might push to re-organize things around, but since I'm just the head admin, and not the final decision-maker, I may not get that approved.
  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    There is no "Register" link in clear view.

    Too many subforums under FPS.

    The gray text on black background blends in too much.

    Meta description is blank.

    Meta keywords are blank

    Besides that, it looks good.
  3. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Haha, straight and to-the-point. I like it!

    I will work on the "Register" bit, then. Possibly mod in one of those bars like vB has where guests see a section above the first category.

    As I said in the OP, I will urge the owners to organize the categories/forums a bit. There's only so much I can do before stepping over boundaries. But thanks for confirming it.

    I agree with the text. Will see what I can do about that.

    Meta info should not be completely blank. Must be a bug somewhere. I'll look into that one ASAP.
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Very appealing; it certainly looks nice.

    • I'd like to be able to read a brief and to-the-point description of 1) what your community is and 2) why I should be interested in registering - somewhere near the top of the index.
    • You certainly need some more registration prompts. Logout here and take a look around; there is a notice, a badge/image, and a banner after every 5-or-so posts in each thread.
    • I see two FAQ boards. Perhaps use just one and place it as a sub-forum under "Welcome To Elite Warriors Online".
    Nice work so far, otherwise. :thumbup:
  5. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    Love your status icons, but is there any chance your new post icon could be the dragon breathing fire and your forum locked icon the dragon with his neck shackled? Just an idea for something a little different.

    Also, is there a reason the very top of the dragon emblem is cut off in the header image? I would try it just a little smaller, I think it looks a little weird chopped off.
  6. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    1) Yes, I recently added the registration bar, but never sat down to actually put something in there. I plan on making it sometime this week.

    2) Read above.

    3) There were originally 5. Don't ask me why they thought they'd need so many.
    I can see about doing the fire-breathing dragon. Very excellent suggestion. As for the chopped dragon, I don't exactly see it, or understand what you mean. Could you take a screenshot, and possibly write what you want changed?

    We're getting a new theme within the next few months, and if I can get some money, we'll be switching to vB by the end of the year.
  7. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    This is what I mean... it's just a minor thing, I know.
  8. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Advertising or...review???
  9. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Advertising, but we usually throw our comments in anyways. :D
  10. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Sorry, should I have used that thread prefix? I didn't know if I should've marked it.

    But yes, review, and part advertisement.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Yeah, the guidelines say to be sure to use the "Review" prefix if that's what you want. Otherwise it's considered just a "showcase" thread. :D

    I'll change it for you. :)
  12. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    ;P I kind of had the feeling it was a review. I'll review in a bit :3
  13. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Thanks guys, sorry.
  14. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    My screenshot thing decided not to work today. Crapoli. Sorry for the quality of some of the screenshots since I used MS Paint.

    First Impression: Wow...it's a phpBB, never would have thought.

    Forum Content

    Quantity of Forums: I really would have thought there would be more, lol, but I was wrong. Nice way to keep it clean.

    Content: Uhh, just browsing around the areas that caught my attention, there some pretty huge date gaps there pal. Example: Elite Warriors Online Forums View forum - Gaming Discussion I mean it LOOKS like the forum is active, but going deeper it isn't. Just looking that you have 500+ members registered and only nine were the most users online, says a lot. The quality on the older posts were good, what made the community slowdown? I think that something to get the community going again would be great, you have the visual, now for content! Contests, online gameplays and such something to get the community hyped up again.

    Forum Look

    You can see one here Elite Warriors Online but not here Elite Warriors Online Forums Index page I like it anyways.

    On, off icons: I like them, but I have a problem with some. See screenshot below.

    Design: I have to complment you on the design, I like it a lot and it does not give you the phpBB feel, like other sites. Some of your smileys do not go with the background, and you can see the dang white matte, don't we all hate that Elite Warriors Online Forums View topic - Internet will run out of IP addresses by 2010

    I like the "New Reply"...etc buttons, simple but effective.Though I do have to say where it says "Games" and "General Discussion" is somewhat uhh, contrasting too much with the black/gray.

    Other than that, I love the logo/header.

    Overall Opinion: The forums are at minimum pulse, the threads that I saw are from long ago, maybe try to get more embers to join? 'Cause seeing that you have 500+ members and the most online was nine is sort of sad. The forum is visually attractive, for exception of some faulties [smileys, etc..], other than that, try to work on the content, making videos of online gameplays of some games, try to get the community hyped up about some features and all. I'd like to see the community at it's full potential. Good luck!

  15. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Thanks! I'll pass on the compliments to the theme designer. He's really awesome at what he does.

    I will copy the favicon to the forums. I obviously didn't realize that. :D

    We are in the middle of getting people active again. I've been trying to push the owners into luring people back. For example, when we launched these new forums, I urged them to send out a newsletter due to the long downtime that they experienced in transition. They still never got around to that. So it's just a matter of getting the staff motivated. We should probably get a contest going, to promote posting. They also revived their Facebook Group and Fan Page, so I'll see if getting that running will do anything.

    Thanks for the review, though!

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