
Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by kev, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Elite Gamers is a computer and console gaming website. The landing page is wordpress and the forum is vbulletin.

    I think the main landing page is a little bland. So I thought about adding some random images using the next generation gallery for wordpress. That way I could put 4, 5, 6,,,,, 12 random images on the home page in a thumbnail format.

    I would like to add a recent forum post section to the left column on the home page.

    Maybe a downloads section for the forum or home page?
  2. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    New York
    I like the landing page. It's really not bland, if you ask me!

    And, the forum is also nice. I'm afraid I don't like all the red, though.
  3. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    New York City
    I have to agree that the landing page is a little bland, but I don't think your forum has too much red at all.
  4. doodles

    doodles Adept

    May 28, 2009
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    Have you thought about checking out vbskinworks, they have some really nice gamer themes on there and quite cheap.
  5. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    New York
    Or, ForumMonkeys.

    Alternatively, just do a Google search for cheap vBulletin skins if you don't have a nice amount of money to spend.
  6. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Thank yall for the suggestions on the skins, but my first choice is Peggy - who is a member here.
  7. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    May 27, 2009
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    New York
    Oh, yes, I'd also choose with her.

    Her skins are marvelous and her style of creating them is also pretty unique. I find that she uses nice colors while still making the forum's layout superb.

    And, have you considered making a copy of the theme for your forum/blog? This way, users will feel at the same site.
  8. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    May 22, 2009
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    Cool Site Love Everything!
  9. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    First Impression: Uhh.. boring... I suggest making/buying a new template, that one does NOT say gamer. I swear I saw that same exact skin before[Forum wise]..

    Forum Content

    Quantity of Forums: At least all of them have posts! The amount is ok, no problems there.

    Content: Uhh... many threads with one or no replies. What is this?? The site is boring, it has nothing to look at really, though you have good information probably useful, but other than that, quality of content is very low. There are MANY forums in this niche, you should look to have more quality in your posts, gamers usually LOVE a good game discussion, not one or two posts with less than five sentences.

    Your stats are pretty sad....

    Forum Look

    Favicon: It woul dbe nice to see one

    On, Off icons: You still have the default icons, I will explain more.

    Design: I plainly do not like this design. Why? It doesn't represent a gamer forum. Where is your logo?? Seems as if it's missing from both your landing page and forum, since I did not see anywhere the name of the site. As a guest, what I am seing, I don't like, makes me want to go look for another site/forum. I saw that same skin at a wrestler forum that I also reviewed. You've made no customization what so ever and the theme choices you have are so boring.

    You have no logo, the skin is just...there no modifications at all, visially this site is a disaster for me. You still have the default icons, default buttons, no customization what so ever. It just makes me want to go to other forums. Looks like no effort was made visually.

    Overall Opinion: The gamer niche is something that has been done MANY times, your forum does not attract. Gamers usually go for visual and content, since that's how they rate a game. When I look at the games I look at the graphics, that's what makes me buy the game, when I play it, I might fall inlove with the gameplay, content. I'd say upgrade both of your sites visually and come more content with quality on the forum. You wouldn't want to bore your guests.

    I hope this helps, sorry if I offended.
  10. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    lol, I just realized that a gaming community which I'm a member of, uses the exact same skin, except customized a bit. The header was changed a ton, though. They're moving to a completely new site soon.

    Anyway, try throwing in some game-related images somewhere. Possibly create icons for each of the sections, and using those in the descriptions. Make a cool header with your site name, and optionally a slogan. Put a character from a few games up there.

    Definitely customize the theme's elements. It's a pretty popular one, and if it doesn't stand out, the average gamer will expect more. Believe me, I am one. ;)
  11. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Ok, I got a new forum skin installed 2 days ago. And I would like some feedback.

    Forums on console and computer games

    Instead of trying to get a header image that would fit all different types of games, what do yall think of a blank header and just have the sites name and slogan?
  12. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Uhm, let's see some game-related stuff in there. For instance, on the TF2 section, have the TF2 icon, etc. Or something. The header is so... bland.
  13. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    What tf2 icon are you talking about? Surely your not suggesting that I take the tf2 logo that belongs to valve software, and use it on my forum without written permission? That is copyright infringement and there is no way I could do that.

    I know what your suggesting, but I am not going to use a companies trademark without their permission. And that goes for nintendo, xbox, quake, doom,,,, and all of the rest of the game companies as well.
  14. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Well, I don't know about the rest of the un-fun non-community-orientated companies, developers, and publishers, but Valve is the best company that gaming has ever seen, and gamers know it. Nevermind, I'll let these examples do the talking.


    This video:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xuHumXoeV0"]YouTube - TEAM ROOMBA PRESENTS: Meet the Pyro[/ame]
    (uses the intro screen from the official Valve videos)

    Which was a part of:
    - Team Fortress 2 Comics and Machinima - - Steam Users' Forums

    Which was featured:
    Team Fortress 2


    This video:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj5k32BeKis&hd=1]YouTube%20-%20GIGN%20tf2%20top10%20frags%20#2%20[ENGLISH"]YouTube - GIGN tf2 top10 frags #2 [ENGLISH][/ame]
    (uses one of the songs created exclusively for TF2)

    Which was featured at the bottom of:
    Team Fortress 2



    Team Fortress 2


    Some communities that probably should've been shutdown by now under your impression of Valve:
    The Team Fortress 2 Fort | Unofficial Team Fortress Community Site (The BIG Shots In The TF2 Community!)
    TF2Forum.com - Team Fortress 2 Forum
    CommunityFortress (Had exclusive interview with Mr. Walker himself)
    CommunityForums - Powered by vBulletin (main network site for above)
    EDGEGAMERS® Organization (These guys are a legit business, though, so they may have that legal mumbo-jumble sorted. But they gave away an autographed copy of an L4D poster signed by the devs, exclusive for that community.)


    Now I'm not saying that this gives full rights to go and pretend to be Valve or anything, and in no manner represents real legal advice. But yeah, don't mess with a hardcore TF2 fan when it comes to Valve and community content. It's a known fact that they are the most embracing when it comes to communities, and we love them for that. They know it would be a huge waste of time to track down every place that uses the logo as a status icon or even as the logo.

    In fact, non-Valve developers even have fansite or press kits that are freely available. So really, it extends beyond Valve (the greatest company in the world, the Google of gaming).

    Now, you don't have to use the TF logo. I was just giving an example. Make them joysticks, whatever. Definitely do something with the header, though.
  15. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I'am not going to use a companies official logo on my site without their written permission.

    And I will look into a better header.

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