Custom BBCodes now available in the Customisation Database

Discussion in 'phpBB Discussions' started by News Bot, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    The Support Team is proud to announce the opening of the BBCode section of the Customisation Database. The old topic for custom BBCodes became far too long and wasn't easy to go through. Thanks to the efforts of prototech and Unknown Bliss, the Support Team now has a place where users can search for and submit custom BBCodes.

    Much like the MOD and Style submissions, BBCodes will be reviewed before they are approved. Submissions made prior to August 23rd have been denied due to the addition of some new features and a change in the license that is used. Anyone who happened to have made submissions before then will need to resubmit them.

    In order to ease the process of seeking help to make a new BBCode, a new forum has been added to the 3.0.x Support Forum. All new development topics should go in the Custom BBCode Development and Requests forum. Once a BBCode is completed, its topic will be closed and it will be moved to the Customisation Database with a link added pointing to its new location so users can seek support there.

    For more information about the BBCode submission guidelines and the operation of the BBCode development forum, please see the sticky topics in the Custom BBCode Development and Requests forum.

    You may discuss this in the discussion topic.

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