Can You Please Offer Me Some Advice?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by EdgeOfVanity, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. EdgeOfVanity

    EdgeOfVanity Addict

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Okay, my situation has got that ridiculous that I can't actually post this at VBSupport because I'm being stalked and my reputation is being savaged there, thanks to a person I'm having issues with.

    The backstory is that I used to administrate his forum; we fell out, I left and set up my own forum. Some of his users followed me. A couple of months back, I banned them (there were 4-5 users), and that was it. However, one morning I woke up to 110 posts by a user that had somehow sneaked through moderation, and he had posted savage and cruel comments about me. I can take that (although shouldn't have to) as its on my forum, and I can just eradicate it. The user turned out to be the guy I used to administrate with

    A couple of weeks back, I added a 'Sex & Relationships' section to my forum; the man in question caught wind of this, and he started his campaign to try and get me shut down. He claimed that I was in the wrong, granting 16+ year olds to the section. Bottom line is, in the UK, you only have to be 16 to have sex. I moderate permission to access this group extremely closely, and in fact, out of the near 700 members of my site, less than 30 have access. He didn't like that he had no grounds for closing me down, and so he spent his time on his site apparently calling me a pedophile and other things that I simply cannot state here.

    Just recently, he's had problems with members of his forum, that have got in contact with me, and have decided to post at my site. He sees this as a betrayal, and once again, he's stalking and registering at my site, he's spamming my social network with abusive comments and insults, and he's rubbishing my reputation with pure lies.

    Is there anything I can do about this? I just want a peaceful life; I thought the threat of libel action would get him off my back, and diffuse the situation. I don't want his board closed down - I just want a peaceful existence, and a chance for me to run my site, to my standards and without having to worry about my name being sullied. However the libel hasn't diffused, rather its exacerbated the situation, and he's back in full force, opening topics such as this.

    So yeah, advice...?
  2. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    Oct 23, 2009
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    not telling anyone ;)
    i have been having similar problems, but even if they do report you, i dont think your forum will be shut down because of these claims-the members of vbulletin dont seem to take him seriously anyway. i dont think they will close your forum because someone is saying stuff like that, they will look at the forum first and see whether it is true, and it isnt, so they wont have a reason to close it
  3. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    May 18, 2009
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    Now by chance are you a female?
  4. EdgeOfVanity

    EdgeOfVanity Addict

    Nov 13, 2009
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    No I am not a female lol. I'm also not a transsexual as he likes to point out. I'm a gay man that has done drag before :P
  5. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    May 18, 2009
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    Well that blows that theory in the dirt. My next guess is this person them self is in fact gay.

    Anyhow, the guy is probably doing you a favor by pissing off his members. It seems like you're already gaining a few because of his bad behavior. So I would just ban the bum for you site and ignore him.
  6. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    Oct 23, 2009
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    not telling anyone ;)
    seems like the thread is gone-i could see it earlier but now i cant.

    everyone can see that he is the bad guy in all this-ban him by ip, email and username....any way possible. put new registrations in a way that they have to be approved by an admin before they can register. should stop him from getting through, and if he does, ban him again-or do what a friend of mine did with a persistent troll-dont ban him, just restrict him to a few sections, no pm's and all his posts have to be approved by an admin (the troll they used this on got bored of it after a few weeks)
  7. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    May 18, 2009
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    You may want to look into that "Miserable users" hack. You can add his IP address to it and create problems for him like very slow service or redirects etc. I got one troll that is set up for a 15% chance of being redirected to the definition of the term Troll on Wikapedia :lol:
  8. EdgeOfVanity

    EdgeOfVanity Addict

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Yep. The thread has thankfully been removed. I think I'm going to look into that 'Miserable Users' hack LOL! Thanks all :)

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