BAM!! look whos here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Crosman, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Crosman

    Crosman Regular Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Hello ladies and Gents!, Im Crosman, a 17 year old future Game Creator,Zoo Owner, Photographer. yes all three are me :eek: , I found these forums looking through things on yahoo, and they seem pretty well balanced and friendly. A few things about me, well..... I am looking into creating my own Fighting game in the near future, i am a very creative person, and I love having help from others, i think opinions mean alot and peoples thoughts should always count. ( If you want details on the game, PM me, or add me to your hotmail list at [email protected]). I also am a future Photographer, I plan on traveling the world taking exotic animal pictures and structures of the world, If you havent noticed i am a very big animal person, I wannted to be a Zoologist for so long, but after i seen the requirements, I said........7 years of college at Michigan State? Not me. Instead after my career in photography kicks off and (IF) my game ever works out, I will start my own Zoo By the age of 35. (any animal questions? just ask me) I will be graduating High school sometime soon, Im taking a homeschooling program, for both High School and College. I have had a pretty hard life, physical wise. When I was 7 years old I broke my femur bone (the biggest bone in the body, located in the leg), that was a tragic event for me, because my mom was already in the hospital having bowel surgerey. I was taken to Mercey Hospital here in Monroe, Michigan, my mom was located in Ann Arbor. A few years later my middle school doctors told me the broken leg took one inch off my right leg, and then they told me i had Scoliosis, the curve in the spine. WELL just when you think everything was over, 3 years ago i was issued with chrones disease. I messed up in school and had some very bad times, And now im stuck in a half ass situation with my schooling. I recently sat down and thought to myself, hey Joe, should you let this stop you from doing what you want? I didnt take long to answer myself. So now im shooting higher then ever, and i will do all the things above.
    A little more about me, I love sports, hunting, fishing, and Martial arts. Im a big fan of the mixed martial arts, pride fighting championships and Ultimate fighting. I love Boxing, here in Monroe boxing is a big deal, if you know who bronko Mckart is, then you would know why, he lives a block away and im prettyn good friends with him. he is a pro boxer, he was on Knockout kings 2001 :cool:. I have boxed in my backyard for years and never losed a sing time, never been knocked down, never quit, and yes everyone I have versed has been bigger then me. I am 5'9 150ibs.
    On to my gaming prefrence. I have every system, and i love gaming. I have X-box live as well.
    I love Mortal Kombat, Everythng about it. I am also a geek when it comes to Ninja Turtles, Biggest Mk and TMNT fan here, I have a collection of all things. My bedroom is done in TMNT. lol.
    YES I DO HAVE GIRLFRIEND. a good one to, shes going to college to be a veternarian technician :nod: .
    Last but not least, I plan on writing 2 books, one about my life, and another about a character named Chainmale.

    well enough said.

    If you want to chat with me, or be a friend, just add me to your msn, [email protected]. you can email me anytime for and questions, or thoughts.
    (I am looking for a good friend and Artist, that may be able to draw some characters for me)

    Thanks you.

    Joseph ''Crosman'' Ball **Live by the Cross**
  2. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    Jesus, now that's an introduction.

    Welcome to the Soup :)
  3. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Welcome to the soup, Crosman! :shake: Hope you enjoy it here.
    Wow.... that was quite the introduction. :)
  4. painogb

    painogb Regular Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    welcome to the soup!!!

    that intro blew mine out of the water... wait i didn't give one so bad comparison
  5. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hola, Crosman!

    Nice to meet You there! :beer:

    Do You have plans to make abstract sculptures?
  6. helium heart

    helium heart Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    Hi Crosman :welcome: look forward to hearing your thoughts on stuff... :)
  7. mousefur

    mousefur Regular Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    Blimey, you sure you didn't leave anything out? :winkgrin:

    Welcome to the soup
  8. Space K 8

    Space K 8 Regular Member

    Oct 6, 2000
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    :eek: WOW! :eek:
    Welcome to the soup Crosman. :welcome:
  9. nootch

    nootch Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2000
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    Welcome to the Soup! I don't post here often, but I just wanted to chime in and let you know that you're not the only MK and TMNT fan here. :tongue:

    I used to absolutely love TMNT, and I still have an almost complete set of the original trading cards (I'm missing ONE CARD)! I even still have a TMNT poster up in my old bedroom at my parents' place.

    As for MK, just read what I had to say about it in this thread.
  10. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    You guys could have a great conversation with my 3 year old ;)
  11. Crosman

    Crosman Regular Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Thank you for all the welcomes. Very nice place here.
  12. nootch

    nootch Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2000
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    Sounds like Jason's got good taste! We can talk about how Donatello, with his mad Bo staff skills, is the man.

    High fives all around, and no gurlz allowed! ;)
  13. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    :: snort ::

    Of course, he chews on his Leonardo mask instead of wearing it. My darling brother-in-law bought Jason a Leonardo sword that makes NOISE when you bash it against things. Great move for a toddler, really.

    And watching the old TMNT makes me cringe now that I've seen the new ones. But the kiddle loves them :)
  14. m33rak

    m33rak Regular Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    that was quite an intro :)

    yup im back

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