
Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Nick, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I'd like to get some feedback on this one forum I help manage.

    Forum URL: AdminAddict Forum - Resources for Forum Administrators

    Forum Name: AdminAddict

    Launch Date: May 25th, 2009

    Posts/Threads/Members: Threads: 1,753, Posts: 26,236, Members: 429

    Forum Software: vBulletin

    Description: A forum for community/forum administrators and moderators.

    Other Info/Points of Interest: n/a

    Thanks in advance, FMB! :D
  2. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    >< ROFL, I...Imagined this day, I just wondered when it was going to happen

    First Impressions: Blue! Love the logo, very unique, forum seems somewhat cluttered by the sidebar.

    Forum Content
    Quantity of Forums: Seems ok, though in the community/forum software you only have one subforum that's vB, but it seems a lot of the members of this site are vB users. Planning later on to expand?

    Content: When it's first looked at, if you're new to community administration, you find VERY useful information. People give a lot of useful ideas. It's a community you can get used to, specially if you're new and want to find some help, people here are always trying to help. Just what a community for administrators should be, resourceful and helpful, no?

    Seems pretty active. Though as a user you kind of see that activity has been sort of slowing down. Google some places in which you'd think administrators could arise. Many people have unique ideas, they just want push into the right direction.

    Also, the quality on a lot of t he posts are REALLY good. Keep it up!

    Forum Look

    Favicon: Looks...wierd, like squished together.

    On, Off icons: I've never seen them before, so in my opipnion they are very unique. Some vB icons could be changed, they don't look bad on the forum, just that they are uhh, default.

    I love the new post icons .<--- All the icons related to those. So unique.

    Design: I like this design, SPECIALLY the logo, it's my favorite part of it. Only thing I would complain is the width WITH the sidebar, the sidebar makes it look cluttery, but you can change it. Also, the post buttons "Post Reply", "Quote" and so on, the look kind of bland, but they work for the forum, not that attractive for me, but for other people it might be just perfect.

    Sorry for this, but I don't like the way the advertisement on top looks, kind of "ugly"[no offense please don't kill me!]. Maybe if re-done to look somewhat more "stylish it would look better, but that issue doesn't pertain AA...

    Overall Opinion: The forum is GREAT resource for admins and new admins, people learn new things every day, even the gurus. The contest is a GREAT idea for user activity, you'd have to watch out though that people won't start leaving after the contest is over. The community is well done and it shows that the adminitrators of it have put quite some time in them. A change of favicon and maybe some template arrangements it would be fine. I read you were getting a new skin, can't wait for it, if you are, try to make it as if the sidebar doesn't conflict as much. Friendly communuty and resourceful for admins, really one of a kind.

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  3. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    It looks absolutely superb, Nick - you (along with your fellow administrators) have done a fantastic job. Nice work!

  4. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Hmm, it sucks. Never seen a more horrid forum in my life....

    Just kidding!!! I'm not big a fan of the current theme, but the new one might change my mind. I agree with the favicon statement, it needs a lot of work, and the width of the current theme is pretty limiting. I like the whole blue-based color scheme.

    The quality of the posts and staff are phenomenal, there are a lot of great resources for community administrators, small and large alike. Never have I seen a forum where, not only do the admins post frequently, but are willing to help with just about anything.

    Overall, the forum is one of the best that I've had the pleasure of joining. :D
  5. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2004
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    I dont care for the skin as long as it is presentable, it is the content what counts and the content is brilliant :)

    Keep up the great work :)

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