I thought I'd take a shot at writing a new article since I haven't written much of anything in the past few months, so I'll start this off by saying a good community is just like living in a nice neighborhood, you have your fair share of trouble makers, and good people.
But, trouble makers are always outshined by the good people. Good people keep things moving, they post new threads, help reply to threads that are posted, and also, refer new people to the community/neighborhood. A community doesn't grow without the help of good people, the ones who plant the seeds, of course; you plant the first seed - by creating the community.
Of course, the seed does not flourish without the help of the owner - thus, you should always take the time out to freshen your garden up - by posting new threads - whether you think they'll be a hit or a miss. Why? Content always gets the people moving - like if you want to shine, keep on pushing.
Make an effort, every week, to at least post 7 to 10 new threads. Why? Users love content, and if you post some threads, you'll possible gain some replies from your userbase. Catch-22 right? I think so.
And also, once you build the community - have a few forums launched, make sure each forum has a few threads of its own that's called the seeding and building process -you should never promote an empty forum because users will not come back, join, or tell their friends - which means, always promote once you establish the foundation.
Rome wasn't built in one day, and a good community isn't built in one day, its all a process, and with that being said. A process takes time to develop, and for people to catch on. So, in other words, always put in your best effort, and strive to make your community better, meaning, good.
So, what really makes a good community good? It's the people that establish your community, and if you have trouble makers, aka trollers, they will always be outshined by the good members.
Members take time to come to your community, but once they start posting - the community becomes a lovely place - meaning, flowers everywhere. Good job, you planted the seeds, and the seeds flourished and became flowers. You see what I'm saying? In order to make the community good, you have to work hard on establishing your community as a good place, friendly, and a family-like atmosphere. Nobody likes a place that's surrounded by bad seeds/bad people.
They love the good community, and once they fall in love, they'll telling all their friends about how wonderful and good the community is.
So, if you're working on your community now - always have this in mind "If we build it, they will come!". This quote has always worked for me throughout my years as being a forum owner, and I'm 100% sure it'll work for you.
So, thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Post.
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What makes a good community?
Make an effort, every week, to at least post 7 to 10 new threads.