Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by Realitytvaddict, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Odd, it looks like there is one for me under recent posts.

    maybe its my monitor or the background color or maybe even the font.
  2. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Northern California
    The 'reply' and 'reply & quote' are definitely not confusing, and you're correct that I did not register, but I did spend a little time on the site trying to get a feel for the UI. One part I found confusing was how you show the 'last post' date and time for each forum but offer no way for a user to go directly to that post. If I see when a forum's last post was made but then have to navigate from the forum's main page to the thread view and then click on the thread and then scroll to the last post, that is a burdensome UI. On the thread view page there is still no link to the last post, you can only go to the start of the thread. This would become very annoying when there are threads with multiple pages--I'd have to start at the beginning every time? Also in the Recent Posts block at the top of the forum, there is no link to the last post there either. Also no information is given about who made the post.

    All these things start as minor annoyances but cumulatively end up disrupting the flow of conversation on a forum and keep your community from being encouraged to participate.

    The new color is MUCH easier on the eyes, and like WEfail I also see a shadow on the Recent Posts block. I think it may improve readability without the shadow.

    IMO the 'Users Online' portion and the 'Forum Stats' block do not look very professional. They look very "flat" and could be formatted better.

    It is impressive that you have coded something like this -- I definitely could not, but I would say it is far from being ready to be used to build a community. IMO it just does not look professional enough at this point in time. Others may not share my opinion though, and in the end, it's your community and you get to make the call on what goes and what doesn't.
  3. Realitytvaddict

    Realitytvaddict Regular Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Chicago, IL (Looking to move for a job!)
    Thank you for expanding.

    To clear this up there is no shadow on the text in the recent posts area. It just looks like it with the size of the font that is used.

    If you click on the thread in the recent posts box it takes you directly to the most recent post (the one that was to the right of it in the recent post box).

    I am in the process of adding what the last post was in each forum and who posted it.

    In terms of professional, are you referring to looking exactly like the forum software that is out there? Being in the medical field I would assume that you are very logical with less of a creative side. I think that you probably consider "boxy" as professional. I am going for something unique that doesn't look like all the forum software out there. That is why I coded my own forum instead of buying one.

    Once again, thanks for your opinion as I have taken it to heart.
  4. Realitytvaddict

    Realitytvaddict Regular Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Chicago, IL (Looking to move for a job!)
    Hello everyone,

    First of all I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to look through my site and give me your feedback. Second, I have taken all the opinions that you have given me and I have incorporated the ones that I think will indeed help my forum become more of a community. Check out the slightly re-designed and let me know what you think. As always, any and all opinions are welcome as they have helped me a great deal.
    cpvr likes this.
  5. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    by habit, i always try to click the top left image to go back to home. perhaps making the image click-able would help :)
  6. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    I applaud you for the effort, it's not easy to code your own stuff. You will need a designer though to spruce up the design, right now it looks unappealing and it's a pity, provided the magnitude of work that's been put into coding it. Anyway, I'm sure it's a work in progress, so keep it up ;)
  7. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Northern California

    I have the same habit. Agree that it would be nice if we could click on your large header/banner to go back to home.
  8. Realitytvaddict

    Realitytvaddict Regular Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Chicago, IL (Looking to move for a job!)
    Do you have any specifics you can point out to me? or suggestions?
  9. Realitytvaddict

    Realitytvaddict Regular Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Chicago, IL (Looking to move for a job!)
    Greetings admin-talk,

    We at have recently completed an addition to our website that we think will be both entertaining and fun for everyone in our community. We have added a new home page that includes a weekly trivia contest. Each week there will be ten new questions each worth 10 points. At the end of April we are going to be awarding the top 5 users with the most accumulated points a $10 VISA pre-paid gift card! All of the answers to our questions can be found in our forum. We are also adding a section that will be a post of an interview with a Reality TV Celebrity. Check it out and have some fun trying to answer the questions while your at it.
  10. Realitytvaddict

    Realitytvaddict Regular Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Chicago, IL (Looking to move for a job!)
    Did anyone get a chance to try their hand at the new trivia contest? Hey its worth the chance to win $10 just for answering a couple questions each week.
  11. Realitytvaddict

    Realitytvaddict Regular Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Chicago, IL (Looking to move for a job!)
    Week 2 of the Trivia contest is now up for you to try. Also, we have completed our first reality tv celebrity interview and will be posting it to our home page in the next couple days!

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