How much freedom in the Complain and Vent forum?

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Monster, Jun 26, 2007.

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  1. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I'm wondering how much freedom we have in the Complain and Vent forum. Are flame wars allowed? Or do we have to behave? ;)
  2. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2000
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    My personal opinion is flame wars serve no purpose, in general. There's really no point to them. If your intent is to debate, there's no need to debase your argument by tossing around pointless insults and hurting people's feelings.

    The Complain & Vent forum was set up so you could complain about things and get things off your chest in an open forum. It's not really meant give carte blanche to people to go and verbally abuse each other.

    In general, I'd say we're a fairly open and relaxed forum with a family-type atmosphere that's conducive to open thought and friendly response. I'd just leave it at that, instead of opening up the floor to nothing more than mean-spirited hostility.
  3. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Ah, ok, just wanted to know for sure.
  4. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2000
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    Well said, Diesel. :number1:
  5. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    Agreed. For example, I could say "I hate bad drivers," but it wouldn't be kosher to say "I hate Diesel. He blows." Keep your complaints and vents relatively neutral (as much as possible when you're bitching about somethinng, at least), and you should be fine.
  6. lobo

    lobo Guest

    I am fully agreed, AS members should be polite. That is the general.

    But, let us consider last flame. Unfortunately, European people are too politized. But do we need those Eroupean scam at our soup? I do not think so.

    Let us consider our fellow Monster. I will omit his ridiculous sayings about communizm/stalin/putin/lenin and about german culture and history. I will omit his erotical phantasies. I do care about his sayings about my motherland. I am Homo Sovetico and Soviet Union is/was a great country with great peoples where I had my happy childhood, where I have got my classical education, where I have got all my values. And now Monster is insulting my country - He is insulting me, he is insulting my nation, he is insulting my origin.

    The phenomena, when a person is conducting idea of one nation supremacy above other, when the person is not tolerating other nations and countries - that phenomena has exact definition - nazism. The person who is conducting an ideas of nazism is usually known as nazi.

    Let's look at Monster - he wrote that we do not need another USSR. And, when I politely asked him do not write about USSR for all soupers - he stated that he is writing from all world. He started thread about communism after it, where he stated that it is 'fishing hook for lobo'.

    He-he. Monster, You should understand - when You was crapping about me and my country - it is definitely nazi part of Your ego, Your Lebensraum. When you set up your fishing hook - it is definitely trolling part of Yours.

    Monster, you are from the nazi country. Your grandparents was nazi and they killed alot of innocent peoples. Your parents was members oh hitlerjugend. Did I mention about it ever? Did I ever insulted You with Your nazi origin? Nope, I do not care about it. I am beleiving that I do not have right to judge those. That happens.

    Monster, why are You continuisly insulting Russian peoples? Why are you continuoisly insulting USSR? Why are You ranting USSR? Monster, You are ranting USSR even when when You are exposing Your strange erotic attraction to P-H. Do you think that is normal?

    Monster, You should to understand - USSR is/was a big country of 250,000,000 great peoples. Each of them has his own live, love, dreams. That great country made many valuable things, the country which achievements in science, culture, politic and economy was great. And now You are writing Your scam about that great country - You are acting like Your nazi grandfather.

    Monster, please, be polite and do not troll. That does not makes good sense not about Your faterland nor about You.

    What I really like in that story - Monster started all that flame, and he run there to complain about it - usual wehrmacht tactic : Ja wohl, mein Fuhrer. You've got that You planted. :lol:
  7. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    ohh,lets move on to better things,like my trip to disney,i need a new spot to eat,any ideas people,i have eaten in germany,mexico,italy,this year i wanna try another new spot in epoct:tongue::tongue:
  8. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Lobo, where's your rationalism? One little metaphor can make you this upset? I didn't say "USSR" was worthless, I meant it as a metaphor. I was talking about the political model.

    You're continuing to personally insult me. That's waaayyy below the waistline what you're saying. I could talk and talk now, but I won't.

    Why is not possible to discuss the model behind the USSR?
  9. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Mar 15, 2000
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    Zeta 2 Reticuli
    lobo: Your comments about nazism, as well as continued personal attacks isn't wanted here.

    There are glaring differences between saying "we don't need another soviet union", and calling someone a nazi and all their people a nazi.

    If this does not cease immediately, I'll be forced into an unfortunate situation.

    While I understand some of what you're attempting to say, and I believe in the freedom you guys should have to debate ideas, both political or personal, they cannot result in personal attacks. Your language gap here is becoming a major issue. I do not believe you meant anything personal at first but your arguments are being worded without any sort of diplomatic flair or creativity that could have allowed you to state things without getting personal.

    If you guys can't discuss this topic properly, it'll close. As will anything similar occuring again in the future.
  10. Moose

    Moose Regular Member

    Aug 10, 2004
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    This forum should be a place we come to Complain and Vent about issues, not each other.

    Flaming has no place in the Soup :no:. Flaming burns the Soup :nod:.
  11. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    Back in BA we used to say that you can flame an topic.

    Such as I think the example was Bush

    ''I hate bush!'' was allowed.

    But to say ''Your an idiot because you like bush'' wasnt allowed.

    It worked quite well to be honest =]
  12. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2000
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    agreed with Alien... there's no reason to make specific comments in any negative light about another member. if you don't like somebody, keep it to yourself. that goes both ways in this situation.
  13. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Alien, it is my last post on that 'USSR' topic, but please, read this.

    Alien, when he told that he don't need another USSR, he told that he does not want another lobo too. That's very personal.

    From the other side, I did not call him nazi. I called nazi his parents and grandparents only because it is true, even Monster did not object it. In Germany, after 1939, all non nazi peoples was : leaved country, killed, put in jail or concentration camp. At the 1945 all german population was working on that war, and 100% of children was memebrs of hitlerjugend - or killed. About the end of war, every young men, who can keep rifle was in army - that was 11-12 years old kids. That fact is well known, and in most books on world history (even in old american schoolboks) the Germany was named as Nazi Germany. That is historical fact.

    Alien, when You call thief as a thief - this is not a crime it is true. What was wrong, when I told the truth?

    About diplomatic flair. I asked him do not to speak about USSR in that manner, and I had very good reasons for that :

    1) Monster does not know enything about USSR/communism/political system. It is easy to understand. He is writing very weird stuff, like "K.Marx wrote Money and invented communism". You know, K-Marx wrote Das Kapital, and he did not invent communism - communism was invented by christians about three centures before Marx. I can cite many other his opuses, but ... I suppose that it is enough to understand that Monster is not capable to do any quality analysis of any political system. Only because of he does not have necessary knowledge.

    2) Monster is living in the country, where the same cruelties was in much more large amount, but he prefer to speak about USSR.

    Alien, did You see his answer? Did he told : sorry I was speaking about political model? Nope, he was continuing insulting USSR and me. He started some threads, which He created to hook me.

    Look what Monster is writing now :

    Just two questions :

    Why Monster is considering my saying as a personal insulting, but not as a metaphor about Monster's political illiteracy?
    Why is it not possible to discuss nazissm on the Monster background?

    Anyway, the bottom line is : Alien - You can ban me now.
  14. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2000
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    Seriously... the both of you just need to let it go.
    This doesn't have to end in bans. This can simply end with two adults agreeing to disagree, and letting the matter rest.

    How this ends is up to the two of you. But one way or another, this needs to stop, and soon.
  15. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    and with all of that.not one good idea on a good place to eat in disney
  16. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    May 1, 2000
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    earnhardt, you crack me up :lol: i have to get my sister posting on here again. you and her can talk to your heart's content about disney. she LOVES it there.
  17. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    get her spider,yes i am a 44 year old baby,i love disney more then my kids.also island of adventure,,,,72 more hrs untill take off
  18. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Yeah, Lobo, let's agree to disagree. I certainly don't agree with you.
  19. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    May 1, 2000
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    emailing her right now. we'll start a new thread on everything disneyish :dance:
  20. earnhardt8

    earnhardt8 Regular Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    cool she a disney vacation club member
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