Dynasty Style 3.8.4 - FREE Style from SleekvB Designs

Discussion in 'Free Graphics' started by Mikey, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Mikeylicio.us

    Sep 12, 2009
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    United Kingdom
    Dynasty Style Install Guide

    1) Upload "dynasty" to your vBulletin "/images/" Directory; So it will be, "http://www.adminaddict.net/forum/images/dynasty" If you do not do this, no images will show.

    2) Upload "vbulletin_pngfix.js" to your vBulletin "clientscript" directory, so it will be, "clientscript/vbulletin_pngfix.js". If you do not do this, Internet Explorer will not display the theme correctly.

    3) Import Style XML from "xml" folder by going to your vBulletin AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Download/Upload Styles, on the browse button, browse to the XML file on your computer and hit upload. If you do not do this, there is no theme.

    4) Set your last Thread length to 20, do do this, Go to your "vBulletin AdminCP/vBulletin Options/Forum Listings Display Options" scrolldown to "Last Thread Title Maximum Displayed Characters" set value to 20. If you do not do this, your forums will be mal aligned.

    Image Preview:



    If you use this theme, you are not permitted to remove the SleekvB Designs copyright without my prior permission, PM me and we can come to some arrangement. You may not redistribute this theme. PSD's are not avaliable anywhere else but my site, SleekvBDesigns.com. Please refer to license.txt. for more details.


    I will not be supporting this style anywhere else but vBulletin.org and my own site (sleekvb), sorry guys but I don't have time to visit the multitude of sites which I release these free styles on..

    I think that's everything!

    So enjoy a great FREE Sleek vBulletin skin, and post your sites where you're using it, we love to see things in action.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014

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